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Poll: Can you bend fully erect penis below horizontal

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Can you bend fully erect penis below horizontal (parallel to floor)




Total Votes: 41. You may not vote on this poll

Can you bend fully erect penis below parallel?

I cannot, under any circumstances, bend my fully erect penis below parallel to the floor…
Is something wrong with me?

Can you?

Shock your COCK!!!

In another ten years you’ll be happy to get it above parallel.

WE are the 99% 'WE are the people you depend on; we cook your meals, we haul your trash, we connect your calls. We drive your ambulances. We guard you while you sleep. Don't f&ck with us'-- Madame DeFarge

"Rope trades @$10 a yard. I wonder if they even know that?"- Capitalist

AndroNYC is absolutely right Ryan.Don’t think of it as a handicap.When I was younger I could hang a soaking wet beach towel from my erection.Sadly those days are gone,along with my hair and my good looks.Okay I made up the part about my looks.I’ve always looked like Keith Richards.:) In answer to your question,no there is nothing wrong with you.

I bet you are good at the crow bar technique.

Horny Bastard

>>I bet you are good at the crow bar technique.


I can do this but I don’t see how this would benefit me in any way.

Originally Posted by Bird2
I can do this but I don’t see how this would benefit me in any way.


Where have you been living for the past few decades? The Ancient Chinese have been bending their penis’ below parallel for centuries to promote health and well-being.

(I can’t do it, by the way!)

"Al, over the years we\\'ve taken roles from one another. People have tried to compare us to one another, to pit us against each other and to tear us apart personally. I\\'ve never seen the comparison frankly. I\\'m clearly much taller, more the leading-man type. Honestly, you just may be the finest actor of our generation - with the possible exception of me." (talking about Al Pacino)

- Robert De Niro

Originally Posted by Noodles_

Where have you been living for the past few decades? The Ancient Chinese have been bending their penis’ below parallel for centuries to promote health and well-being.

(I can’t do it, by the way!)

And I should know everything the Ancient Chinese did or didn’t do? I am still not convinced of any benefits, not everything the Ancient Chinese did would benefit me.

Originally Posted by Bird2
And I should know everything the Ancient Chinese did or didn’t do? I am still not convinced of any benefits, not everything the Ancient Chinese did would benefit me.

Lighten up, I was just joking around. :)

"Al, over the years we\\'ve taken roles from one another. People have tried to compare us to one another, to pit us against each other and to tear us apart personally. I\\'ve never seen the comparison frankly. I\\'m clearly much taller, more the leading-man type. Honestly, you just may be the finest actor of our generation - with the possible exception of me." (talking about Al Pacino)

- Robert De Niro

Originally Posted by ryan_bresson
I cannot, under any circumstances, bend my fully erect penis below parallel to the floor…
Is something wrong with me?

Can you?

I wouldn’t.

With a very firm erection going, it is possible forcing the shaft down to bruise your tunica at the base of your shaft. Then plaque can develop, then you can get a curve in your erection angle in the direction of the plaque formation, then intercourse can be painful if it’s a bad bend.

The ancient Chinese did not write down, apparently, the downhill consequences of this form of achieving well-being.



Damn man, can’t you people pick up on wit and sarcasm? :(

Clearly there are no benefits from bending your erect penis below parallel. The Chinese don’t do it, not as far as I know anyway. I was just pulling Bird2’s leg.


"Al, over the years we\\'ve taken roles from one another. People have tried to compare us to one another, to pit us against each other and to tear us apart personally. I\\'ve never seen the comparison frankly. I\\'m clearly much taller, more the leading-man type. Honestly, you just may be the finest actor of our generation - with the possible exception of me." (talking about Al Pacino)

- Robert De Niro

Noodles, relax.

We get it. :)

Ryan asked a question. I threw in the Chinese association because you started it.



Originally Posted by Noodles_
Damn man, can’t you people pick up on wit and sarcasm? :(

Clearly there are no benefits from bending your erect penis below parallel. The Chinese don’t do it, not as far as I know anyway. I was just pulling Bird2’s leg.


Ok, next time use a ;) to clear things up.

I think I read someone theorizing that this down bending could be a form of PE to stretch ligaments or tunica. I don’t know. If you could bruise your tunica doing it, could you also possibly stretch it?

Horny Bastard

Poll: Can you bend fully erect penis below horizontal

When fully hard, can you bend penis below parallel to the floor?


Shock your COCK!!!

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