Pondering Next Step For Lig Length-Help

I am coming to the end of my 4th month with a consistent PE regiment. My beginner results seem to have peaked after 4 months of the Newbie Routine. I’m thinking about going one of 2 directions for the next month. My EQ and girth are sufficient for now and I don’t want to chase girth until my lig length has peaked.

My LOT is currently at an 8 so I still have some lig stretch progress to be made. I seem to have peaked with manual stretches and don’t want to increase my training with manual stretching as I have reached the max of manual force personally possible.

I am equipped to start one of 2 new regiments, I’m either going the direction of hanging, or going to try the golf weight stretches I read about on another thread. It seems like they have added length for others and I’m curious about both.

Length first, girth second after reaching length goal

Any other suggestions on how I should attack the ligs next? Or is hanging next? Should I give the newbie routine for another month or two?

Any insight would be appreciated!

Priorities:#1: Penis Health/EQ #2: Size Increase


GOAL: 8"x5.75"