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Pop can dick, will length excerises increase girth


Originally Posted by carp
The rule of thumb is, the more girth the harder it is to gain length.

This is nonsense. My girth started at about 6” and I gained length with ease on the Newbie Routine.

However I gained very little girth, if any.

cells dont just split in one direction so ads = length + girth

Originally Posted by Racoon Soothe
Originally Posted by carp
The rule of thumb is, the more girth the harder it is to gain length.

This is nonsense. My girth started at about 6” and I gained length with ease on the Newbie Routine.

However I gained very little girth, if any.

Right you are.

carp seems to have a little confusion.

Girth is typically more difficult to gain. Those that have practiced PE for a while usually see a slowing in girth gains sooner and length can be more steadily gained. Although that too slows up over time.

This does not equate to “the more girth you have the harder it is to gain length” ubiquitously however.

People new to PE tend to be able to make gains in both areas, depending on their routines, how consistent they are and how their body responds.

If length is preferred, stretching, and ultimately hanging - ideally with an ADS component as well, would be advised; but…you will probably also gain some in girth as well. ADS and hanging, though length oriented, almost always add some incidental girth.

Does that help?

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:

Ummmm, I might have skimmed over it while reading, but I didn’t see manual stretches mentioned. That’d be the best place to start I would think. It’ll get you into PE slowly and targets (for the most part) just length.


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