Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Progress photos-not huge schlongs!


Progress photos-not huge schlongs!

There are some great pics in members pics, however… most of these guys have pretty big shlongs!

It would be great to have a section dedicated to photos that relate strictly to observing before and after gains, so that newbies like me can actually see and be encouraged by the gains of others.

I know it is hard enough to measure acurately let alone take a photo while doing it, but from what I’ve witnessed of the ingenuity of those involved in this site somebody must be able to come up with something!

Am I alone in finding random photos of big cocks more disheartening than encouraging?


Yeah I agree with you that it is disheartening. Almost every single dick in that forum is over 7 inches. Except for one….mine. Little Maxtro I haven’t made any gains. But that’s only because I’ve never done PE consistently.

I say we need more teenie weenies in the member pic’s section.

Start 5.25 BPEL x 4.36 EG

Current 6.2 BPEL x 4.60 EG

Yeah I agree, it would be nice to have these pics. I have tried to take a photo but it isn’t easy plus I am a little ashamed of my cock, because of its size (or rather because of the girth).

I have just started some newbie PE again after a long (academic) break, I think I should probably take some start photos and post them if/when I have some better gains (or when I reach 5” girth).


But surely the point is not just to post photos of your cock when your happy (or happier) with it, but of before and after so that others can see progress and have hope!

A lot of guys do post their starting pics. Starting size varies, its the gains that this site is about.

There aren’t enough ruler pics, true, and the smaller guys could help out by posting their pics but there’s nothing we can do if they don’t want to.

I wouldn’t post a pic and I can quite understand why others don’t want to, irrespective of size.

I actually took a picture of mine with a ruler BPEL at 5.5 inches. So far I’m right at 6.25 BPEL. I guess I could post a picture of the two together but I was going to wait till I hit my goal of 7” BPEL to do it. Should be a more dramatic difference.

Anyway mine will be there when I’m done to hopefully encourage others. Not sure how long it will take. Maybe if I can get Hanging down it could be before the end of the year. Who knows?

Pictures of gains should be encouraging regardless of the size of the dick. Unfortunately you are right that very few guys take good before-and-after photos. If I were starting PE over, I would have taken a great ruler shot at the beginning. As it is, my first ruler shot wasn’t until I was already halfway to my goal :( .

I second the call for more brave guys like Maxtro to post starting photos, even if they aren’t huge yet! Many of you will have great gains, and having documentation of those gains would provide encouragement to guys who are starting out and don’t know whether to believe the PE hype.

I posted my almost starting pick. I had gained an 1/8” before I took the pick so pretty much close to the beginning. I am also trying to decide what amount of gain would be a good size comparison pic.

Pre PE: 5/8/04 BPEL 6.25" EG 5"

Goal: BPEL 7.5" EG 5.5"

Routine, Pics

Ideally that is the way it would be, but most guys don’t want to post pictures period, others want to wait until they are huge so they have something to show-off. So what happends is mostly just the guys with the big guns post pictures.

Also, there can be alot of unfriendly people who come and comment on your posted unit, so this also shys people away from posting, as our egos have a strong connection with our schlongs.

:flame: "If you build it, they will cum."

Redwood\'s Progress Report/Routines Thread.

Originally Posted by ziggaman

But surely the point is not just to post photos of your cock when your happy (or happier) with it, but of before and after so that others can see progress and have hope!

Exactly, that is why I will only post pictures when I have made some conclusive gains visible on photos.


I have had (or might even still have) such a poor self body (dick) image that I dont even own a single photo of my dick. Not even tucked away in some hidden file that nobody could find. The only picture of me on this forum is in a Thunders T-Shirt. Shit, I just recently started to be able to strut around the locker room at the gym without any hangups.

I give real credit to the guys that post pictures regardless of size but understand how the guys (like me) might feel a little discouraged at the lack of smaller dicks posting pic on the forum. It may give the impression that its all about the big guys. I think some bigger guys arent afraid/ashamed to post while some of the smaller guys are. It takes a lot more balls to post a pic if you are on the lower end of the length scale than the opposite.

Just my two cents.


You all are still missing the point... The story was great and all but should have ass (and) some anal in it.- RWG

I totally understand why many guys would not want to post pics do not wish to come across as insensitive.

It’s not so much the smaller guys posting pics I’m after as people who’ve made real gains documenting their journey so as to give guys just starting out like me a glimmer of hope that this could be a real answer to our prayers and not a sort of mass self-delusory support group.

Anyway who am I to demand pics?! I don’t even own a web cam!

One love,


I never even knew guys posted their dick pics before joining Thunder’s. I wish I had posted a before pic as well. But I barely knew what my stats were before I started PE. and never thought of taking a picture of my own dick!!

However before and after pics would have been more motivational for the guys just starting out, especially those guys shy or embarrassed. Although, why be ashamed or embarrassed about what the Good Lord gave you? I think it does take a lot of guts to post a pic, knowing it will be observed, then judged, then picked apart in a lot of cases.

Be sure to post a rulered pic if you do decide to post. I’m sorry I didn’t. Then there’ll be less criticism. But most guys who “flame” them are either critical/sceptical by nature, (not a bad quality), trolls trying to disrupt the site, or people envious of the guys who have the balls to post their pics.

And most members are very supportive, whatever the size of your dick.

BTW, Zig, welcome to Thunder’s!! Glad you’re here and have the guts to post and not just lurk. Good luck.


"It's not the getting there but the going that's gotta be good." Varg


Thanks a lot Horse!

I’ve got to say it never even occured to me that people posting pics might receive abusive comments.

Sometimes the behaviour of other humans shocks and saddens me. No wonder people are scared to post.

Actually I think the ideal would be to make sure you get a good starting shot with a ruler and post if and when you make any gains.

Cheers dude,

Average Tallywhackers unite!

I’m under 7 as well, and posted my “before” pic, but I’m still new, and hope to have a worthy “after” someday.

There are some guys that posted pics here, that are average size, but even their pics look pretty big to me.

I take it in stride, you cant help what God gave you, or your dna/genes etc, so do your best to improve on it, and that’s all you can do.


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