Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Pump and then jelq or jelq and then pump??

Pump and then jelq or jelq and then pump??

Its simple thats cames into. Coz i bought a new pump but i don’t know what to first or second.

01/02/2010 17,5cm BP x 13,25cm 18/03/2010 18,3cm BP x 13,5cm Rest. = 3,5cm x 3,5cm ---meta---> 21cm BP x 16,5cm=>

02/01/2010 6.89'' BP x 5.1" 03/18/2010 7.2" x 5.3"------goal---> 8.25" BP x 6.5 Left = 1.4" x 1.4" ------goal---> 8.25" BP x 6.5

03/20/2019 19 x 14 cm

I like to jelk/pump/jelk/pump/jelk/pump/ jelk.

Try it both ways and see how you respond to it. Just go easy with the vacuum pressure.

Started: 7-01-05 BPEL 6.50 in NBP 6.00 EG 4.75 in Now: BPEL 7.5 in NBP 7.0 EG 5 inch (midshaft) Goal: Girth!!

Originally Posted by NonStock2001
I like to jelk/pump/jelk/pump/jelk/pump/ jelk.

Try it both ways and see how you respond to it. Just go easy with the vacuum pressure.

What he said.

The thing is that I have a bathmate and with one of those is not posiblle to do it.

01/02/2010 17,5cm BP x 13,25cm 18/03/2010 18,3cm BP x 13,5cm Rest. = 3,5cm x 3,5cm ---meta---> 21cm BP x 16,5cm=>

02/01/2010 6.89'' BP x 5.1" 03/18/2010 7.2" x 5.3"------goal---> 8.25" BP x 6.5 Left = 1.4" x 1.4" ------goal---> 8.25" BP x 6.5

03/20/2019 19 x 14 cm


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