Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Pumping and Nofap

Pumping and Nofap

Hi. Two weeks ago I discovered I had PIED. I did constant edging by many years and this dopamine thing literally destroyed my receptors in my brain. So, I’m doing a reboot, I can’t masturbate, watch porn and also can’t have orgasm by now.

After 3 weeks, I can see a difference but I will need to do this reboot by more months. And I wanted to know from you guys if Pumping and also stretching give some “pleasure”.

I can’t do clamping, jelqing or any PE exercise which need a good erection and stimulus because this generate more dopamine and disturb my reboot.

In short, you guys who did pumping and stretching, this type of exercise give you dopamine? And how other exercises do you recommend for me which don’t give some pleasure? Thanks.

Hey man.

Have you tried to do any PE? How did it go? With that in mind.

From my own experience, I would recommend you put off PE for a month or two. Spend more time in the gym, work harder, read interesting books and go out and have fun.

Then get back to this with a definite date, maybe 90 days? Because years I ago I had to reboot hard. And all I could see was pictures of movies Iā€™d watched while having sex with my girlfriend.

Looking back it would be hard to do PE and reboot at the same time. But you know you best.

Try 1 week of PE now to see how it goes. Then decide.

Current BPEL: 6.0ā€, MEG: 4.5ā€ (6/2024)

Start BPEL: 6.0ā€ MEG: 4.1" (2/2018)

Future BPEL: +1%, MEG: +1%

I also had PIED. It took me a couple months for my body to do a reboot. I gave up everything except real sex. Was kind of difficult at first to give up porn and masturbation but it got easier as time went on. That was a year ago and everything was fine until I started PE. I did a pumping, jelqing, and stretching routine. I had to use very mild sexy images of women to stay some what aroused during my pumping. I can’t say for sure that those images caused my PIED to return but ED was definitely the result of my PE routine. The pumping and jelqing was very pleasurable especially while looking at hot women.

I have stopped all PE for just over a month now and my erections have returned in full force. I know I can no longer view porn and now I need to not do any PE in order to assure I have good, strong erections. It’s a no brain-er for me.

The good news is you’ll overcome the PIED. I was addicted to porn for 20 years. The last year of that I discovered virtual reality porn. Holy shit man! Porn has really evolved. It only took me around 50 days to reboot and now my sex life is the best it’s ever been and I’ve been with the same woman for 23 years.

I had a very bad experience with abstaining from masturbation and sex, before it was cool. I lost about 1.5” of penis length over seven months. Also, if I don’t masturbate for a few days, when I do the semen is yellow colored, which can’t be good.

I have known a man to get a testicular infection from not masturbating, and at the time I did not think to ask, but he had a micropenis of some cause. His doctor prescribed masturbation and antibiotics.

Abstaining from porn seems like it could have some benefits, but I wouldn’t stop masturbating and having sex.

Starting: 7"bplx5.2" 2017 (shrunk from disuse)(originally 8"bplx4.5", gained to 9"bplx6")

Current: 9.0"bplx6.125" 2020

Goal: 11.5"bplx7" 2021.

Originally Posted by Sigmoid
I had a very bad experience with abstaining from masturbation and sex, before it was cool. I lost about 1.5” of penis length over seven months. Also, if I don’t masturbate for a few days, when I do the semen is yellow colored, which can’t be good.

I have known a man to get a testicular infection from not masturbating, and at the time I did not think to ask, but he had a micropenis of some cause. His doctor prescribed masturbation and antibiotics.

Abstaining from porn seems like it could have some benefits, but I wouldn’t stop masturbating and having sex.

This is weird because my penis got smaller because masturbation, and now about 1 month without it, it is bigger. But anyway, thank you.


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