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Pumping To Reduce Curve And Gain Length

Pumping To Reduce Curve And Gain Length

I started pumping a month or so ago. I have read lots on the subject and trying to use gprents low pressure incremental pump routine. I’m using a 2" cylinder and lower pressures 4-5 Hg.
My questions are,

My glans and my base pack the cylinder but the middle 3 inches of my shaft does not. Will this hinder my goal of straightening my curve?

If part of the cylinder isn’t packed will I not gain length?
I’m having good short 5 minute sessions and results look good, no major changes yet. Minor edema but I’m not seeing a improvement on my curve.

My erect base is too fat seemingly to fit a 1 3/4 cylinder. Should I still attempt to suck into one and go for length squished in?

Thanks everyone ahead of time.

Originally Posted by Standog
I started pumping a month or so ago. I have read lots on the subject and trying to use gprents low pressure incremental pump routine. I’m using a 2" cylinder and lower pressures 4-5 Hg.

That’s a good routine.

My glans and my base pack the cylinder but the middle 3 inches of my shaft does not. Will this hinder my goal of straightening my curve?

You have the "Coke bottle" shape. Pumping will eventually pull the center out to match the rest.

If part of the cylinder isn’t packed will I not gain length?

You’ll still gain length. Packing really isn’t important, other than indicating you’re not pulling for more girth in the packed area.

I’m having good short 5 minute sessions and results look good, no major changes yet. Minor edema but I’m not seeing a improvement on my curve.

Straightening takes time. I’d guess about a hundred hours before there’s any notable change. On the other hand, I managed to straighten an undesired upward curve over the course of a year and a half or so.

My erect base is too fat seemingly to fit a 1 3/4 cylinder. Should I still attempt to suck into one and go for length squished in?

You’ll still get length in the 2" cylinder. I’d stay with that if you want to correct the cokebottle.

Your shaft is attached by ligaments, which fan out from the base and attach to the pelvic girdle. Most forms of PE will cause some amount of "tenting" as the shaft pulls away from the body - hangers used to say it was "pulling out the inner penis". A pump tube or extender base can be uncomfortable as it sits on the sloped area. It’s not something everyone runs into. Again, I’d stay with the 2" cylinder.

Thanks for your response AndyJ.

Yes I’ve been happy with myself mostly in my life but PE ing seems to have caused a right curve when filling up with blood during a erection.

I’m looking forward to seeing the results paying off after hundreds of hours, only at about 40 hours.

Any advice on stopping the donut edema near circ scar?
Thanks again

A few ways to reduce or prevent the donut:

You can take breaks every 10 minutes or so and do Firegoat Rolls (if you don’t know what they are just search the forum for a description). This helps reverse both discoloration and edema.

You can decrease vacuum and/ or session duration.

You can use some silicone toe shields over the part that donuts, which provides a focal counter tension that enables expansion but prevents the edema to some degree.

I use the toe shields and can go up to pretty high vacuum pressure without getting the donut. The one drawback is you have to use a lot of lube since the silicone tends to be a little sticky against the cylinder wall once you start packing it.

Rock out with your cock out!

Andy, do you find that adding time adds to the dark discoloration, or is that more of a pressure related thing?

I’m taking a month off from pumping and hope to see my darker pigment lessen during that break. I would like to get back closer to my normal color eventually without the darker look. I’m more concerned with having great EQ, but as I’ve said before any girth gain would be nice, just trying to avoid the skin darkening in my pumping routine.

Awesome thank you

So pumping eventually straightens penis? I have an upward curve so I hope not.

Then (sometime in April 2024) - BPEL : 7; MEG : 5.3 ~

Now - BPEL : 7 - 7 1/4 not sure; MEG : 5.8


Thanks , yes I have a side curve that I created by pulling too hard perhaps?
I don’t wanna lose my upwards either.

I hadn’t got the donut for most of my conditioning pumping month but I tried a little more last week and it was crazy looking like the guys on reddit who seem to pump just for the doughnut look. I don’t want that.
Thanks for your help I’ll try my silicon sleeves around circumcision scar and report back.

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