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Pumping: Wrapping To Prevent Doughnut Effect

Pumping: Wrapping To Prevent Doughnut Effect

I am not having luck searching so I started this new thread:

I have read bits and pieces on here about wrapping your penis with a theraband to prevent the doughnut effect after pumping.
I am wondering:

1) How effective is this for preventing doughnut?

2) Are there any really good instructions on how this is done?

I’m sorry if there’s already a thread dedicated to this. I could not find one.
I like pumping but I do get a doughnut and I have some scarring because of it. I am hoping that this wrapping technique I’ve heard about is the answer.

Thanks guys

Best tip is to go into the cylinder erect, limit the time/pressure and use constant heat.

Started 7.75x5.75

Currently: 9.75bpX6.75eg My Picture Thread

Goal:10.0bpX7.25mseg Building a thicker unit, click by click, pump by pump, jelq by jelq!


Thanks for your response. I go in erect, keep it under 5hg and apply constant heat. Maybe I stay in too long (up to 35 min) but I see the biggest gains after already being in 20 minutes.

Originally Posted by redicredicredic

Thanks for your response. I go in erect, keep it under 5hg and apply constant heat. Maybe I stay in too long (up to 35 min) but I see the biggest gains after already being in 20 minutes.

Cut that time in half. Jelq in between and then go back in.

Started 7.75x5.75

Currently: 9.75bpX6.75eg My Picture Thread

Goal:10.0bpX7.25mseg Building a thicker unit, click by click, pump by pump, jelq by jelq!

Originally Posted by Titleist

Cut that time in half. Jelq in between and then go back in.

I’ll try.


There is a thread in here about wearing a condom during pumping. Helps prevent the doughnut effect. Let me find that for you!
Condom pumping

Found it!

silicone sleeve pumping

This works at minimizing a donut effect from pumping

Silicon Sleeve Pumping

I have just started a condom / silicone sleeve combo and am getting good results with it. I first sprinkle my glans with baby powder, then place the condom on my glans and about the first inch of the shaft. I then put a short silicone sleeve on my shaft just behind the glans which also keeps the condom moving under vacuum.

I then fit the cylinder and find I can dynamically water pump for 90 minutes without getting a donut or blisters (that is what the baby powder is for).

I pack the cylinder from just behind the glans. If I did not I would use a longer silicone sleeve.


Great help guys ! Thanks!

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