Originally Posted by marinera
There two problem with it being ‘a legit diagnoses’ DozeKnow. The first problem is that even ‘porn induced ED’ doesn’t make any sense: define porn scientifically please. Is porn penetrative sex? Or any kind of sex? Naked bodies are porn or not? A woman in bikini would be classified as ‘porn’ not many years ago - and probably still considered such in some countries. Searching about porn induced porn is like searching for sin induced porn. Sure you’ll find people believing that there is such a thing, but that doesn’t means that thing exists. The second problem is that there are recent ED studies, which showed that porn has no significative correlation with ED, unlikely body fat, smoking or drinking, being phisically active or not, taking meds .What really was surprising to find is that a lot of young men have ED issues, way more than speculated before. But there weren’t many ED studies on young subjects in the past, so nothing to compare with.
I would go by the assumed colloquial definition we WEIRD’ers* would use.. Although this is a multicultural board so maybe that was presumptuous on my part. Anyway, sexualized acts for the courtesy of the viewer, whether or not they involve one or thirty people, penetration or no. Obviously there are shades and I can’t draw a severe line here, hey, I even think ‘porn’ varies on the person.. It has to be something you watch, not on a personal level, it cannot be imagined. The whole point is it is third-party sexual entertainment.
I understand your point. My opinion would be to say it can cause effects which could derail PE (and life/career/relationships) the same as anything else which acts on the dopaminergic pathways and has been better studied. The second reason I would tend to believe the correlation is strong, regardless of indecisive science on the topic, is that is acts upon a second pathway other addictive ‘drugs’ don’t act on. Namely, the androgenic pathways. Now, you’re playing with something highly addictive (more so than sex) which screws with your androgens. Not a good combo.
Just to elaborate on the above, I will use the example of Dextroamphetamine. We know it is addictive because it acts upon dopamine and causes feelings of want etc by inhibiting its clearance and stimulating its release in a cascading fashion, much similar to pornography. Next, it also acts upon serotonic, which is the/one of the primary neurotransmitters of the enteric (digestive) system. This transmitter relates satiety. Now, what we know is that addicts don’t eat so much and tend to lose weight. The drug has been prescribed to lose weight. We also know that if as someone ages, their sex drive dwindles and levels of certain androgenic hormones go down. Other ones increase. Lets call them, as two groups, T (sex drive) and AS (less sex drive). We know that having a child, especially a male child, lowers T and raises AS. We know that older people have more AS and less T. We also know that when you raise one, the other tends to drop. Now, when you bat off 3-22 times a day, what do you think happens? You can say that would happen with or without porn, but I would be disinclined to believe someone could masturbate a dozen times a day without the aid of the Coolidge effect.
There are recent obesity studies that show it has no link to disease. Like I said, the research is inconclusive.
In summary I would say this:
-We can safely work under the assumption porn is addictive, although small amounts may be fine.
-We can safely reason that pornography use would have effects on androgenic hormones, given that the same holds use of any addictive behavior and its associated pathways of activity (reduced sensitivity and release rates and loads)
-We can therefore safely reason excess porn use would mess with your sex drive and may cause ED.
*On that note, masturbation is only normal in Western countries. In poorer regions they don’t even understand the concept. Coincidentally we have the highest rates of Viagra usage. Link??
Joking about that second part.