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Question On Future Gains?

Question On Future Gains?


Here is where I am at and trying to get over the 7” hump working towards 8”.

Can do 15lbs for 20 min set 1x. I start out for 5 mins BTC then SD for 15 mins.

Then I use an extender for 30 mins when it relaxes.

Then 10lbs for 20min set 2x.

Lately my extender hits 7 1/2 no problems, but I am getting resistance to only 7” now. Getting pull back tug of war going on.

As the day goes on, I wrap the top part for good grip and do manual stretching as well. This is where I feel the most tears happening and when things settle down I get bumps under skin up whole shaft. Guess that’s normal for hanging and stretching? But I constantly do Piss Pulls through out day till bed time. I also feel like I have that cord thing top going on.

I do not pump because I am working on length currently and if I do work on girth then it affects my length.

I warm up 10 mins before any set.

Your thoughts or suggestions?

Welcome to the forum, Dnk! Do you have any previous PE experience?

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