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Questions About Progression And Jelq Grip


Questions About Progression And Jelq Grip

Hi Everyone,

I’ve been reading a lot of the newbie info, and I have been doing a routine that I got from another site (before I found this one) that is very similar to the newbie routine. I have been doing it for 11 weeks, and I think I have not noticed much in the way of gains for the past 4 weeks. At week 7 I noticed that I had gained about half an inch in both BPEL and NBPEL. I think this is true length and not just an increase in EQ, as I noticed my EQ improved within the first couple weeks before I had noticed increase in length. Girth has not changed much.

My normal routine
1. Hot wrap and kegels (20 sec hold, 10 sec relax) 5 minutes
2. Stretching (30 sec holds) 5 minutes
3. Wet jelq (500 reps) which takes me between 30 and 40 minutes. Started at 100 week one and +100 reps to each day per week until 500 a day by week 5, which is what the routine I was following said to do
4. Cool down hot wrap and kegels same as 1.
The workout days are usually 3 on 1 off 2 on 1 off or 2 on 1 off 2 on 2 off based on privacy

Indicators seem to be good, I have an increase in size and EQ, no turtling after workouts, workouts feel pleasant. I sometimes see a red spot or two and I have some of the skin darkening on the head, but it seems like those aren’t things people worry much about. On to my questions.

I am more interested in length gains than girth gains, and I saw in a recently linked thread on another post some advice fire goat had given to include stretches in between clusters of Jelqs, which I started doing today. I increased the time to 10 min on my first stretches and I put in five extra minutes of stretching in the middle of my jelqs. Since I have not seen length gains for 4 weeks, I am wondering what sorts of progression out of the newbie routine people do to encourage growth? And how long do you go without gains before you decide you need to up the time or intensity on something?

I have a jelqing grip question too. I have seen all sorts of grips listed as ok to do, OK grip, you grip, overhand underhand, pinky away from body, pinky towards body. In the jelq info section it talks about damage to the nerve on the top of the shaft. When I use an underhand ok grip with my pinky towards me, I can get the best grip and pump feeling of blood pushing through to the head. In this grip, my thumb and pointer finger wrap around the shaft and meet on top of it. Is that bad for the nerve? I tried an overhand grip today and my workout felt less effective. The grip I have been using jelqs very well for me, but I don’t want to put myself at risk of injury.

Thanks for reading and for your help.

Hi Thereisnotry,

Detailed post, excuse me while I unpack it in no particular order.

30-40 minutes is quite a lot of jelqing for week 11. Potentially an excessive amount. It should be possible to do the work in less time, so either your jelqing is not particularly effective and you need the 30-40 minutes or you are jelqing effectively and very likely overdoing it. Make every stroke perfect and concentrate on the quality more than the quantity.

1/2-3/4” is often the limit for “newbie gains”, describing fast progress that often ends abruptly. It is to some extent EQ related, even if it doesn’t feel like it, but it’s also to do with dealing with tissue and ligaments being at maximal readiness to adapt and loosen. It looks like you’ve left that stage and your work from now on will be harder. It’s a pity that you started so intensely, as you now have a less easy path forward. I would encourage you to measure closely (ensuring a 2 day break from PE before measurement) as you will probably be measuring smaller differences.

I think firegoat’s advice is good. It’s often useful to break up jelqing with some other exercise. These kinds of tricks allow for more effective jelqing. You build on the different stresses with the jelqing afterwards. For other techniques, try reading How to Jelq and watching the videos.

Work on effectiveness, rather than piling on time. Add variation to your jelqing, interleaving other exercises. Sometimes the only way to gain length is to stress the penis in a way that seems to encourage girth. Don’t ignore exercises that seem aimed at girth, simply add stretching afterwards to encourage your desired direction.

Think of the OK grip as something that always puts pressure on the sides of the shaft, never top and bottom. The overhand grip can be loose or not even closed at the bottom, with the soft tissue between thumb and forefinger at the top of the shaft. The overhand grip is good with the penis pointing downward (slightly or a lot). These things take time to master. The standard OK grip is easier when jelqing upwards and again shouldn’t be firm at the top or bottom of the shaft, with pressure exerted on the sides.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

Thanks for the reply, sorry if the post was too long.

If I am doing too much, can I possibly back off on intensity for more gains, or is it too late and I’ve really ruined my ability to grow at a steady rate? Could I take a week or so break and then start a far less intense routine and very slowly increase time and intensity?

Last edited by Thereisnotry : 06-05-2015 at .

The post was fine. We like long posts here.

It rather depends on how effective you’ve actually been. At the end of a session, you need to feel like something has been changed, like your penis has been worked. If you can do that by working smarter, not longer, go for it.

The kind of deconditioning break you are thinking of is probably more like 6 months but taking a week off now and again is not a bad thing.

I’m not sure whether you caught the point that maybe you are still growing but simply at the new lower rate you need to get used to. Some of us are lucky to hit the perfect amount of force at the perfect time and that speeds growth (and trying to explain what that is is very hard) others seem to take a very long time to grow a little. You’re going to have to listen to your penis and understand the anatomy you are trying to alter intimately.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

Hey guys, newbie here. Just started reading up all I can on the forum and so far it’s great. I have started a beginner jelqing routine.

Quick question: I am uncut, when I reach the upper end of the glans my grip slips/ slides off. Is this normal? Is it dangerous in any way and if so how can I prevent it?
To describe it better I would say my grip gives as soon as I start feeling a slight sting at the very tip for the obvious blood accumulated during the jelqing of the rest of the shaft.

Thanks in advance!

You shouldn’t be going up the far. Stop your stroke just before you reach the glans. Also if you are slipping off are you just masturbating? You should be trying to influence the tissue under the skin and that requires pressure, control and a slow stroke (2-3 seconds minimum).

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

Stop 0.5 inches below your glands. No skin problems there. I am also uncut and I had the same problem. I don’t think it affects gains but just to be sure, stop 0.5 to 0.6 inches below your glands. You may think that the stroke isn’t complete that way, but it is.

I always press hard enough on the sides and my every jelq lasts about 5 sec. Hard and slow. I usually can’t do more than 120-150 jelqs per session, in that way. My dick starts feeling numb.Very good results. 0.5 in length and 0.2 in girth in 4 months and 1 inch longer flaccid.

BPEL 7 EG 5.5 NBPEL 6.5 Flaccid length 4.5. Started Jan 2015 at bpel 6.5 nbpel 6.0 and eg 5.2 flaccid length was 3.5

I have reached my goal. At least for now.

So as gains slow down, what kind of changes to a manual routine do you recommend to try and speed up growth? Add in an exercise for a month and see what happens?

A couple other questions.

I have trouble with stretching sometimes. I feel like I have to grab the head hard to get a stretch and I don’t know if that is ok or not. If I try to grab right below the head, the skin just slides up as I try to stretch and the head gets kind of squished anyway. Any tips?

With the 30-40 minutes of jelqing, the sessions generally feel very useful and I’m quite engorged and pumped up at the end. I would like it if I could keep them shorter because 40 minutes is a long time. The first 100 strokes just feel like a warmup and the real effectiveness starts to feel like it’s happening from 200 to 500. Should I just go for time instead of jelq number?

You need to slowly increase intensity. Normally you’d work out how much by the progression of gains. Generally though you add intensity and increase the length of your sessions over time, very slowly.

Grab behind the glans for a stretch. Use a piece of cloth or tissue paper wrapped around the area to increase friction. When you initiate the grip push the blood out of the glans, so you aren’t putting the glans under pressure.

Go for making every stroke effective. Warm up using a warmup techinique, maybe while you are stretching so that you can very quickly go to full force jelqs.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

I agree with memento on the stretching tips. As for jelqing you could try dry jelqs, cause they are way more intense and you will need less time.Your dick won’t just take too much. Be very carefull with it. Heavy stuff.If you are already performing dry jelqing for 40 minutes than congrats…your dick is made of iron

BPEL 7 EG 5.5 NBPEL 6.5 Flaccid length 4.5. Started Jan 2015 at bpel 6.5 nbpel 6.0 and eg 5.2 flaccid length was 3.5

I have reached my goal. At least for now.

+ 2

On memento stretching tips and you can also use baby powder to help with the grip and prevent the sliding of your penis out of your hands. How long do you stretch for?

Starting Stats: BPEL 7.4", MSEG 5.1" [16 May 09]

Current Stats: BPEL 8.25", USEG 5.75'', MSEG 5.5", BEG 6.75'' [7 Jun 15]

Long Term Goal: BPEL 8.5", MSEG 6.5"

I’m about four months in and I do approximately 120 focused jelqs in my routine. I started at 30 jelqs. I went up 10 jelqs per week up to 150 and then backed off to 120. My dick would explode if I did 500 jelqs. For weeks I actually did more of a ceremonial jelq - light action with very modest pressure, just to see how my body would react to all of this. I am concerned with over-training and injuries and am trying to be extremely cautious and really develop a feel for the perfect jelq. I like the idea of stretching between jelq sets, so maybe I will start breaking it up. I usually start with heat, then stretching, and then the jelqs.

I use the over hand, pinky-away, grip and it seems fine for now. The main grip-associated issue for me is maintaining acceptable pressure while working around the dreaded turkey-neck. What I do is slide/rotate the grip close to my body and around the extra turkey-skin as I close in to start the next jelq. It helps keep the pressure as the grip is established.

Thereisnotry, if you determine that you have over trained, you might want a de-con break and a restart. I think the TP vets can help you with that.

I’ve been doing PE on and off a long time. I’ve decided its better to do less time, but be super focused on perfecting your form jelqing. I recently modified my jelq technique to be just two fingers - thumb and index finger- starting as far down as possible on my shaft and slowly working blood up in a medium pressure. I find that a strong kegel before the jelq will make it engorge very quickly. I stop after 10-15 mins now. Thats all it takes to get it bigger than where I started. I’ve also decided that I should only do it every other day, or every third day. My body reacts best with plenty of rest

Originally Posted by aypues
I’ve been doing PE on and off a long time. I’ve decided its better to do less time, but be super focused on perfecting your form jelqing. I recently modified my jelq technique to be just two fingers - thumb and index finger- starting as far down as possible on my shaft and slowly working blood up in a medium pressure. I find that a strong kegel before the jelq will make it engorge very quickly. I stop after 10-15 mins now. Thats all it takes to get it bigger than where I started. I’ve also decided that I should only do it every other day, or every third day. My body reacts best with plenty of rest

Totally agree. Same approach here.

I stretch for about 5 minutes with pulling in various directions. Breaking up the jelqs now with another 5 minutes of stretching after 200 or so jelqs. Don’t feel overtrained or sore at all. Still have good PIs. I get a good level of engorgement and then just keep it going until I hit 30 minutes or 500, whichever happens first. If my erection level is too low, say 50%, I don’t feel like I get a good workout. Feels like it needs to be 70% to get good engorgement.

How can I tell if I’ve overtrained if the PIs are still good?

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