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Questions about your penis shaft sensitivity

Questions about your penis shaft sensitivity

Hey guys,

I just have some quick questions regarding the sensation of your penis so I can compare. I’m worried that my penis has lost sensation over time due to masturbating or PEing. I don’t remember what my penis used to feel like so I have nothing to compare it to. I don’t know if it’s just that I’m over analyzing things now because I’m PEing or if it has actually lost sensation.

My question is, what is your shaft sensation like? When I press on my penis shaft, or lightly squeeze it (both when it’s hard and soft) I get the same sensation as when I press on let’s say my thigh. I can feel the pressure but not much more. Same thing when I run my fingers across the shaft lightly, I can feel that my fingers are going across but not a lot of sensation or good feelings.

It feels great to rub my head and right under my head but my shaft has almost no sensation. I’ve been very nervous about this for a long time and would appreciate if you guys could tell me what it’s like for you. Thank you in advance.

my shaft has little sensitivity unless I am completely super super stimulated. I am all about the tip, but I think of I slide inside a good pussy my shaft develops sensitivity.

It sounds normal. My shaft isn’t as sensitive as my glans, except for the area on the underside just under the glans.

Nerve sensitivity is something that can vary as long as the area is innervated (has nerves) with the correct type of nerve. Somatosensory nerves have many different ways of regulating their sensitivity, not all known. Some injury increases sensitivity for instance.

I’m sure outside of various local regulating factors, the brain itself regulates how sensitive a part of the body feels.

Jelqing itself might cause a temporary reduction in sensation. I know if I edge for a long time my penis becomes much less sensitive. During marathon sex, the sensitivity goes down too after a while. I’ve pulled out a few times just to double check that I’m still hard because I didn’t feel much. The tiniest amount of hot sauce, fixes that though. And I mean a really tiny amount. I put a drop of hot sauce on my finger, rinse my finger off in a sink, rub it on my penis, then wash my hands so I don’t get it in someone’s eye.

Starting: 7"bplx5.2" 2017 (shrunk from disuse)(originally 8"bplx4.5", gained to 9"bplx6")

Current: 9.0"bplx6.125" 2020

Goal: 11.5"bplx7" 2021.

That’s normal.
The reality is that your penis shaft is much more sensitive than you realize, but that’d only become apparent if you were to compare to other areas using painful stimuli or actual scientific measurement.

But from a tactile perspective, it should feel similar to regular skin.

Originally Posted by Phil210
That’s normal.
The reality is that your penis shaft is much more sensitive than you realize, but that’d only become apparent if you were to compare to other areas using painful stimuli or actual scientific measurement.

But from a tactile perspective, it should feel similar to regular skin.

Totally agree I don’t think you have anything to worry about. Enjoy the great sensation with the glans.
If you stop getting erections that’s a different issue

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