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Quick kegel question...

Quick kegel question...

I’m sure this has been asked before, but I guess it’s okay to ask old questions in the newbie forum..

I’ve noticed that when some people do kegels, they start becoming aroused and erect. Why is it that the opposite seems to be my case (and for others)? For me, kegels seem to be the quickest way for me to kill off an unwanted erection.

Is there any reasoning behind this? An explanation for why some guys become erect after a couple kegels while others start losing their hard on from them?

I haven’t done them for more than a month so right now I’m at the stage where I can only flex it (hold the muscle for 1 second and then release) as I’ve tried doing longer kegels for 3 - 5 seconds and my muscle just gives up after 4 or 5 of those longer holds. I guess it’s just gonna take time.

Oh and since we’re on the topic of kegels, is it better to do kegel exercises all in one time span, or more beneficial to do them on and off at random periods all day (i.e., while driving)?

Thanks in advance

Hey j384!

I have the same thing with kegels, kills my erection to hold PC-squeeze, seems to almost cut the bloodflow. But when fully erect and just flexing it seems to pump out more blood instead. Unless I do a lot of repetitions, then it kills the erection.

About working the PC, as in doing kegels, since it´s a muscle I think you should work it as one. Do one intense workout in one day, not several small ones. But opinions do differ, as always.

It would be nice if I could do kegels to make me become erect..cause I think it’d work even better during sex…losing erection after orgasm but then suddenly doing a couple kegels and getting a full erection back in under a minute for another round…

That’d be awesome…if actually is possible…

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