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RaisingFlexing the testicles


RaisingFlexing the testicles

What is the name of this muscle which raise/flex the testicles ?

Thank you.

Originally Posted by alin
What is the name of this muscle which raise/flex the testicles ?

Thank you.

All I can think of is Arm.

Anyone with a better answer?

Don't be a lurker left out in the cold. :lurk: Join the happy band of donors!

Psst! The link is at the bottom of the page :bigwink:

I think it must be the BC muscle, the same one used for doing kegels. Where is westla? He will know this for sure.

The primary goal of PE should be to make your penis as healthy as possible in both form and function. If you do that, increased size will follow.

If I recall, the small muscles in the hand and wrist are called intrinsic muscles.

Cremaster muscle.


Alrdybig : I searched the cremaster muscle

On wiki : “The cremaster can also be contracted voluntarily, by contracting the pubococcygeus muscle (using Kegels), or by sucking in the abdomen.”

If I contract this cremaster, it feels different than when I’m doing kegels, just like I can contract them separately

Has anybody experienced the same ?

Is there any benefit in “flexing” them? Like kegels ?

Not many men can voluntarily move their testicles up and down. There’s no benefit to doing it except for entertainment value.

Originally Posted by westla90069
Not many men can voluntarily move their testicles up and down. There’s no benefit to doing it except for entertainment value.

It is kind of entertaining, I admit :) .

:chicken: My chicken is on the path of becoming a big cock! :rooster:

Originally Posted by westla90069
Not many men can voluntarily move their testicles up and down. There’s no benefit to doing it except for entertainment value.

Ok,then I’ll try to entertain/impress my partners.I will tell them : ” Just look at this.MAGIC ! " Lol


They might become so fascinated that’s all they will want to watch!

Don't be a lurker left out in the cold. :lurk: Join the happy band of donors!

Psst! The link is at the bottom of the page :bigwink:

I’ll keep them hypnotized and make them do whatever I want.

Hahahaha I can do it and it seems that after 10 movements they hang lower for a very short time


START ■ 09/16 BPEL: 16.5 cm, EG: 13.2 cm ■ ■ CURRENT: BPEL: 17.7 cm, EG: 13.5 cm

☆☆GOAL: +20 cm BPEL, +15 cm EG☆☆

Originally Posted by alin
Alrdybig : I searched the cremaster muscle

On wiki : “The cremaster can also be contracted voluntarily, by contracting the pubococcygeus muscle (using Kegels), or by sucking in the abdomen.”

If I contract this cremaster, it feels different than when I’m doing kegels, just like I can contract them separately

Has anybody experienced the same ?

Is there any benefit in “flexing” them? Like kegels ?

Yes. You can contract them (raising the testicles). At its most proximal region, the cremaster muscles originate off of the internal oblique muscle. Before birth, this is actually where your testicles developed and differentiation occurred…..actually inside the internal oblique muscle. So yes, you can contract them by contracting different regions of your core. Admittedly, I don’t know of anyone who can flex theirs internal oblique, external oblique, tranversus abdominis, and rectus abdominis independently of one another, but if you can, more power to ya. One thing the Wiki was incorrect about was that the cremaster can be contracted by activating your PC muscles (kegels). Not true. Your cremaster muscles are not connected to your pelvic floor muscles at any locations that I’m aware of. I can certainly tell you that when I personally do a kegel and carefully observe movement of my testicles, I cannot discern movement at all.

I don’t think there is any benefit in flexing them. In fact, I’m currently working on lengthening both of mine as the cremaster muscles are really the limiting factor in how low your balls hang.

I have never carefully observed it, but when I Kegel I can feel my testicles rise a bit. I will ask my wife to closely observe tonight and report back.

I have tried using a strap around my scrotum a few times but it always becomes too irritated after eight hours or so. I have tried pumping them which enlarges the sack for a week or so, but I have read that the effects of pumping are never permanent, Alrdybig, do you have any experience with ball pumping.

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