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Re Starter And Forskin Turkey Neck Problems And Whats Best To Do

Re Starter And Forskin Turkey Neck Problems And Whats Best To Do

WELL, a few months ago I started jeqling, and after 2 weeks got horrid wrinkling and buldging at the top of my balls, so have stopped, I have forskin and am 4.5 ” flacit and 6” errect I want to gain 2” in the length and a little girth. But can anyone help with the turkey neck sysmptom as I don’t want to make it worse is it cos I have foreskin.

And then which of the hundereds of excersises do I do , stretching, or jequl how may times a day, or do I get a metal extender tool, or a pump , does any one have a clue cos I spent 3 hours trawling google and one responce contradicts another, supose it would be good if someone who has acheved gains without getting turkey neck and who has foresikin would be good.

So sorry for waffling, but basic what is best hand ecersise or machine to use to get gains and fastest, and what to to to avoid turkey buldge on balls .

Thanks any replys greatfull pete

Hey Pete welcome to the forums. My first suggestion would be to look through the forums. Absorb as much information as you can. Start with the newbie routine to condition yourself and possibly make some newbie gains. I’ve only been on this forum for about 3 weeks and have only started the newbie routine from the beginning.

There are different techniques and routines that work for different people. From what I’ve gathered, time and motivation seem to be the best factors.

Turkey neck is something I’m also interested in learning about so I’m glad you asked this question.

Good luck!

Thanks but no answers there really

Originally Posted by petebarnes16
Thanks but no answers there really

Actually, Jmoney06 gave you some very good answers.

Originally Posted by Jmoney06
My first suggestion would be to look through the forums.

Absorb as much information as you can.

Start with the newbie routine to condition yourself and possibly make some newbie gains.

There are different techniques and routines that work for different people.

From what I’ve gathered, time and motivation seem to be the best factors.

What kind of answer are you looking for?

Keep an open mind and a closed wallet... unless it\'s open to making a donation!

Hahah I have really bad turkey neck when balls hang at the lowest point. I just don’t care. It looks funny.

|||||Start: 14cm NBPEL|||||Now: 17,5cm NBPEL|||||Goal: 20cm NBPEL||||

But we're never gonna survive, unless we get a little crazy.

Kjdeet - that is a awesome reply

The Turkey neck is hard to avoid you can hold your balls skin back as your stretch and jelq,and also try a testicle massage with Vaseline after your workouts.Hope that helps


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