Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

realistic goal?

realistic goal?

Guys do you think its realistic to gain 0.75 inch in width in 6 months of jelqing?

Yes (but there are no guarantees)

girth gains?

Hi, Dizz,

You’re talking “width” here, as in “girth”, Right?
Some guys claim an inch of girth gain in that time, others, like myself,
PE religiously for 18 months, maybe more, with little or no girth gains.
(I will NOT give up, though)
It depends on various things, genetics, technique, intensity (Too much/ too little),
mental approach and more.
Listen to the experienced guys here, do a sensible routine and be consistent and patient,
and you should have a good chance of making gains. But, like Sparky says, there are no guarantees..:-/

However, the chances of getting a bigger dick are far greater with PE than without..

Good luck


January 2009: BPEL: 8.6" EG: 5.7"

Goal for 2009: BPEL: 8.75" EG: 6"

Ultimate goal: BPEL: 9" EG: 6.5"

I don’t get it man, you’ve got an 8 inch dick x 5.4 I’d be more than happy with that

I second that, Dizz. Most of us would be very happy with an 8” dick and close to 5.5 ” in girth. Heck, that would be my ultimate goal. I wonder how people find the time to pe as much as they say they do. I have been using the JES extender for about 5 months now, but only average about 5 - 7 hours a week. I know at that rate I would need to wear it for the next 30 years, so I thought of something else, where I could wear it all day at work under dress pants. I simply took the silicone tube from the JES extender, made a loop and tied off the end tightly with a wide shoestring. I then clamp the tube around the head and tie it off with a twist tie and tie the other end of the shoestring around my leg near my knee. I think it provides a nice strech, plus the head doesn’t get numb or cold like it did in the JES extender. I can wear it all day at work and it is inconspicuous under the pants. Now using the bathroom is a little challenging, since you have to go into a stall to undo the twist tie, then reattach after peeing. If anyone has suggestions to improve this little make-shift device, let me know.

Originally Posted by Dizz
I don’t get it man, you’ve got an 8 inch dick x 5.4 I’d be more than happy with that

Depends on the situation and the women. Everyone on this forum has a size fetish, very few actually need any increase so whose to say whats what really. Iam 5.4G and I’d love 6.5 really

DAMN IT - I hope this works!!!

Yes, I think it’s possible, but not certain. Convince yourself that it is, and go from there.


Start 6/13/04: 6.0 BPEL x 5.125 EG (midshaft) Current 10/17/04: 6.938 BPEL x 5.625 EG (midshaft) Come on 7! Disclaimer: I'm not an advanced member, but my member is advancing. ;)

Ooops I didn’t notice you said width, 0.75” of girth in six months may be a little tougher, but if you do some pumping, jelqing and clamping you should start gaining pretty good.

:flame: "If you build it, they will cum."

Redwood\'s Progress Report/Routines Thread.

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