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Recommendes food for PEers

Recommendes food for PEers

Hi, everyone.

I do a lot of workout and know that food with proteins and carbs are important to gain results. (Fish, rice, potato, etc.)

Do you think this is the same food PEers should be eating to help increase results?

Obviously talking about normal food, not products made for this, complements or quemicals.

Originally Posted by Chaquetero
Hi, everyone.

I do a lot of workout and know that food with proteins and carbs are important to gain results. (Fish, rice, potato, etc.)

Do you think this is the same food PEers should be eating to help increase results?

Obviously talking about normal food, not products made for this, complements or quemicals.

The only foods that really help with gains would be those that increase blood flow, Try a search (google or here) and see what is available.

But you must expect a lot of scam stuff on the public forums

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Psst! The link is at the bottom of the page :bigwink:

Proteine may be good in PE if breaking down (and rebuilding) of the smooth muscle leads to gains.

Bib once told me being under nourished would help you make gains, I take spells where I barely get 1000 calories a day and sometimes 300. I am killing myself at those times but I always seem to get the most results from PE then too. But looking and feeling horrible isn’t worth it so as petit said I would only worry about increased blood flow foods.

<If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are headed>

I don’t think food matters, as long as you’re eating. Devote your mental energy into sticking to your PE workouts consistently :)


That is interesting-did Bib ever mention the theory behind this? It seems counterintuitive to eat less to grow…but hey, it wouldn’t be the strangest thing ever to happen, and both you and Bib subscribe to it, so one must assume there is something to it…

I eagerly await your reply…until then, I am fasting :D

I can’t see how being under nourished would help gains?

Originally Posted by bluray
Bib once told me being under nourished would help you make gains, I take spells where I barely get 1000 calories a day and sometimes 300. I am killing myself at those times but I always seem to get the most results from PE then too. But looking and feeling horrible isn’t worth it so as petit said I would only worry about increased blood flow foods.

Maybe you got thinner and because of that your dick started looking bigger in proportion of your body.

Bib’s theory was about hanging, if I remember correctly. He thought that depriving the body of vitamin C might prevent it from healing too quickly from the micro-tears incurred by hanging, thus allowing further “riding of the fatigue” to create further gains/stretching.



I guess I see where this is coming from…anyone in the medical community care to weigh in?


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