Thunder's Place

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Red Spot

Red Spot

Hey guys,

I am on about week 3 of jelqing and I have noticed on the underside of my penis, around where my penis meets my testicles, that I have a red spot, about 1/2 in diameter, that seems like a burn. However, it doesn’t hurt to touch it (like a burn), and it almost seems like it has no feeling at all. It doesn’t hurt, but it looks just like a burn or rub. Is this from jelqing? I just noticed it today after my jelq. What should I do? How many days should I take off? I read about discoloration spots, but I couldn’t tell if the spots should hurt or not. Any help is appreciated!

Starting stats: 01-25-06


5.25 EG midshaft

Maybe ruptured blood vessel? I’m still new to this but that’s what it sounds like to me.

It will go away after a night of sleep. Take a day off when you still have it the following morning.

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