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Removing hair on genitals


Removing hair on genitals

Since I started PE and a while before, I’ve been getting kinda pissed off with my pubic hair. I’m quite a naturally hairy person, and so not only do I have a thick mat of curly hair around my penis, the pubic hair also extends a small way up the shaft, and there are a few hairs on the underside of the glands when flaccid as well.

Not only is it kind of disgusting (I could imagine a lot of girls not being too happy to suck a dick with hairs growing out of it) but it makes stretching and jelqing more difficult and sometimes more painful.

As it is now, I regularly trim the hair with a small pair of scissors. I’ve got a nice close trim on the pad but I tend not to be so snip happy when I get closer to my ball sack and shaft. I’m getting less and less fond of carefully snipping around my beautiful testis.

What would you recommend as a fairly easy and hassle free way that I can remove hair primarily from my shaft, but also from my testis and pad?

I thought about tweezers, but that could take years to finish, waxing was the other alternative, but what kind of stuff would I need?

Thanks, Axe_man!

What do you use to shave with? I use a Gillette Mach 3 Turbo and it works perfect for the base of the shaft and down your balls. I just soap up in the shower and it takes a minute. For hairs further up the shaft, get some tweezers and pull those. You can keep using the scissors for the rest, or buy some electric hair clippers and use the 1/4 or 1/2” attachment to keep your pad area at a nice length.

I also use a Mach 3. So what, just slap on some of the ole king of shaves and shave like I would my face? Excellent!!

I’ll get right on it :D

I found, when stretched with my PM (or other ADS might work), I can just pull out the hairs with minimal pain. They grow back pretty fast though - I do it about 1x a month.

The first time I did it was horrid since I had so many to pull though.

I should note a few more things:

- trim a little, with maybe a #1 hair trimmer. It makes grabbing individual hairs alot easier.

- pull with the “grain” of the hair. It also helps to press down slightly at the root, to keep the skin from being pulled with it also.

- I do not do this on my sac. I tried, but it’s simply not worth it.

I’m still experimenting with the spray hair removal.

For the hair on the shaft:

I have the same problem, but occasionally wax. Just make sure you get wood first so the skin is nice and tight or things won’t go so well. It doesn’t hurt that much, but may be a little tender for a couple of days.

In any case, it’s a hell of a lot faster than tweezing, and my girlfriend gets the irrits with shaving stubble, so it’s the best option for me.

I wouldn’t wax my balls though. Just trim them with a hair trimmer.

I Nair it. Don’t don’t don’t get the shit on your balls though. It work great on everything else. Electric clippers and snag and get some skin cut. OUCH.

I used to shave but I stopped shaving in favor of just keeping it trimmed. Looks and feels so much better than leaving your pubs unchecked.

I tried shaving a while back. Personally thought it just looked funny. Now I trim my balls and my shaft with one of those little electric hair trimmers. You know the ones that are supposed to be for trimming up moustaches/sideburns and stuff? They seem to work like a charm so far. And no irritation from shaving.

My balls and anything else in that region are sensitive, I try to keep everything except vagina (little tight brown eyes here and there) from contact with that region. I’ve never used a facial shaver to shave them, except an electric (which I won’t let touch the skin, because it will hurt the fuck out of me). After this post im going to try my Mach 1 and I hope I don’t need to go the the ER. I’m researching wax, sounds good but I’ve never tried it. The main reason I want to trim hair down is because when I do base stretches with the AutoEXT, my pubs get caught while I’m tightening it. I’m married so she can pick pubs out of her teeth all she wants, doesn’t bother me. Keep me posted on how this goes.

I Naired some guy’s head while he was sleeping once, haha, needless to say we’re not friends now.

"I live my life one stretch at a time" Current Stats: 10/15/05- 7-1/4 bpel x 4-15/16 girth GOAL: 8 bpel x 5.5

Last edited by Firecracker : 10-28-2005 at .

Originally Posted by squintingmonkey
For the hair on the shaft:
I have the same problem, but occasionally wax. Just make sure you get wood first so the skin is nice and tight or things won’t go so well. It doesn’t hurt that much, but may be a little tender for a couple of days.
In any case, it’s a hell of a lot faster than tweezing, and my girlfriend gets the irrits with shaving stubble, so it’s the best option for me.
I wouldn’t wax my balls though. Just trim them with a hair trimmer.

What wax product do you use?

I’ve been meaning to tweeze my shaft, but it hurts like a bitch. I’ve even tried soaking in a hot bath to loosen up the follicles, but it still hurts like crazy. Plus, I have a lot of hair, so I want the simplest and least painful solution. If it was one or two strands I wouldn’t give a shit.

Are there any products that temporarily numb the area so you can tweeze without pain? Anybody know?

The aim of life is self-development. To realize one's nature perfectly - that is what each of us is here for.

~Oscar Wilde~

Anything to numb the pain of tweezing/waxing before hand?

Well, I went over the whole lot with an electric shaver, and it worked beautifully for the most part. Now I’m going to tweeze the last few hairs from the shaft.

I’m finding that it works better to pull with the grain, and to grab the hairs as close to the base as possible, then I pull the skin up around it and squeeze and it seems to take away most of the pain. Then I just give it a nice tug and they come out from the root.

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