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Results And Conclusions After 18 Months

Results And Conclusions After 18 Months

So after 18 Months I have used various techniques, with widely differing results. Hopefully others will benefit from my stats.

May 14 2003 to Nov. 10 2003 (6 Months Hanging with light to medium weight very frequently)

BPEL gain .25 to 6.75
BPS gain .25 to 7.25
EG gain unknown

Nov 10 2003 to Mar. 27 2004 (4 Months Hanging 10 to 15lbs for 60 to 120 minutes fairly frequently)

No change <- rather damning evidence for hanging

Mar. 27 2004 to May 16 2004 (2 Months 20 minute ulis sessions for a total of 28 sessions)

BPEL gain .5 to 7.25
BPS gain .25 to 7.5
EG gain .625 to 5 7/8

Large break to Sept. 2004

Sep. 01 2004 to Jan 15 2005 (4.5 Months jelq and squeezes)
BPEL no change
BPS no change
EG gain 1/8 to 6 plus

Total Gains to Date (18 Months)

BPEL .75 to 7.25
BPEG .875 (7/8) to a solid 6
BPS .5 to 7.5

So the results seem to lead to the conclusion that, at least for me, I should simply stick to the Ulis and do them only about 3 times a week. I will try this for about 3 months and report back.

Interesting data! How intense would you describe your Ulis? Would you say that milder exercise was more beneficial than the more extreme stuff?

Before and after pics ?

Sorry Van, no pics.

Shiver: It seems that slow and steady wins the race, kind of. The Ulis I do are definately not low intensity. Im pretty huge after with some discolouration that last for several hours.

But, I think the key is doing them only 3 times a week.

Hobgoblin, what type of Ulis were you doing ? You seem to have made pretty good girth gains…….you’ve hit the magic 6”

ForMe:The modified uli thing is basically this: I tie off at the base, fairly loosely with basic small rope, do some kiegles to get fat (maybe 90% erect) then tie off completely. After that I just grab at the base and squeeze, forcing the blood forward. Super engorgement. Just let it be like that for 10 minutes, then relax. Sometimes I go for a second set of ten minutes, sometimes not. But about 3-5 times a week. Pretty simple.

Cheers Hobgoblin, I’ll give it a bash and see how it goes as I’m only really trying to work girth.

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