Results worried
I’m new to this forum, though I’ve done PE for the last year. My story: very surprised to discover I was 4.75” hard, got into PE and supplements, then had a BPEL of 7” and a girth of 5.5 after 12 months. Pretty cool, I thought…. until nothing happened for the next three months. Am I at my peak? If so..damn :-) I’m shooting for the classic 8x6.
Also, and this is the very alarming thing, I undertook a regimen to lose weight- I’ve been doing 45 minutes of hardcore cardio followed by an hour of weights every night for 6 months. Went from 245 lbs flabby to 185 lbs hard. Another great improvement, BUT..
Well, suddenly my scrotum is the size of, the size of…, well damn it, it’s small. My testicles have taken up permanent residence high in my lower abdomen. The “sack” itself is extremely tight and “unpliable”… My wife bought me a cock ring and it was a major event trying to get the testicles to descend so I could put it on…
Pumping was a big part of my PE routine… now every time I try to pump my testicle (one or the other) gets sucked into the tube and it hurts like hell. If you can imagine the “whish whish whish ARRRRRGGG” it’s very embarassing. This was never a problem before. Has anyone experienced this? Is there a fix? I have no problem talking to my doctor about this if that’s what it takes…. I can’t find anything related to this problem on the web. Any feedback is definitely appreciated. Thanks guys!
Oh, and I should say—let’s keep PE a secret, huh? If every guy finds out about it then the natural 9 inchers will become 13 inchers and the rest of us will just have to work harder.