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Rice Sock Warm Up

Rice Sock Warm Up

Hey guys

After warming up the rice sock can it be reheated the next

The next time for another PE session or do you half to take the rice out

And put in some more. I personally haven’t tried this method

Because I have been using the warm wash cloth method and it takes

Up too much time having to soak the cloth in warm water again and


I am sure you can keep on reusing the rice that is in the rice sock, unless for whatever reason you are using cooked rice.


When the rice starts taking much longer to heat up
(Like mine went from 45seconds to needing 90 seconds)

Then just take a SMALL amount of water (like a half ounce, or a tablespoon) and roll down your sock to the pile of rice, make a little hole (thumbprint) .. Pour the water in, roll the sock back up, tie it, shake the rice, and let it sit for a while.

Preferably, you would want to water it *after* the last time you used it and noticed it took too long to heat up.
Then just let the rice sock sit with the shaken water in it, absorbing, until next use.

Reduce time on next reheat.

I do reheat and re use my rice sock. So can you

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