Mr. Cool,
Rather than dump all over you for passing up that lucious pussy, and being a hypocrite in the process, I’ll say that I can understand your feelings. When I was a young buck, I was an enormously built guy - and big, 6-4, huge hands, huge feet, etc. Don’t get me wrong, I did get plenty of snatch; however, if I perceived that a woman was after me because she thought I had a monster tool, I also avoided her. You know - young, big ego, didn’t want to let her down or worse, have her tell her friends, “No! He wasn’t big at all. In fact, ‘Jimmy’ was bigger,” etc. Those kinds of thoughts would freeze me.
But if the chick was nice or very horny, and made no references or allusions to size (based on the rest of my stature), I could have fun with her. But if a woman said, “Wow, your hands are so big!” and winked at me or some such thing, I’d think, “Forget it.”
Having disclosed that, let me tell you that I now know (at age 40), that type of self-denial, self-cheating is a HUGE mistake. Enjoy life, young man. In the grand scheme of things, it doesn’t even matter what some woman thinks about your cock or your balls, etc. Does it?
You know the old saying, “He’s just a guy, like you, he puts on his pants one leg at a time”? Well, when you feel intimidated, tell yourself, “She’s just a woman, like any other. She gets her period each month, she gets bloated, she cramps, she gets bitchy, she has her own insecurities, etc.” (you see my point?)
I said the above not to denigrate women but to tell you: Don’t sell yourself short. Whenever I was with an old buddy of mine, and some drop-dead gorgeous woman would walk by, and I would start to talk about her to him, he would quickly say, “And remember, some guy is already tired of fucking her.” And we’d both laugh. Ain’t that the truth?
Life is ironic. And we’re all in the same boat. Nobody is any “better” than you. You have but one life to live, enjoy it to the fullest so that you don’t become a grouchy old prick filled with bitter regrets.