Saying hello
Hello to you all :)
I’m new both to this forum and to PEing, and hopefully this place will help me take my first stumbling steps towards a big willy.
I’ve been reading up on alot of subjects surrounding PEing, from the basic anatomy of the dick, to exercises and injuries.
The topics on injuries actually scared me quite a bit, but after reading so many posts with people having good results minus the injuries, I figured I’m gonna go for it anyway.
Learning from others experience I have decided on two things so far: to start out with only stretching for about a month, and generally going really easy and being very aware of pains and swelling.
I have yet to decide on a routine and will read about newbie-routines soon. If you have any tips for me, I’m glad to hear them all :)
I hope I eventually will be able to contribute to this community, but as for now I’m just leeching on your knowledge !
Thanks / Jens, an average joe with an average willy from Sweden.