Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Second Hello

Second Hello

Hi all, Tug here….


The last time I was here I started to get into PE, but there were some serious problems at home. PE wasn’t a top priority and like many of my usual activities, was put on hold. During the past four months or so, I’ve had depression, anxiety and a slew of negative emotions. The good news is that all of the bad forced me to do some personal reflection and see the world through different eyes. I am a much more mature and confident individual now.


When I got into PE, I wanted to have a bigger dick to boost my confidence. I figured, if I didn’t have to worry about my penis size, I would have no trouble talking to girls, and even less problems in the bedroom. I know now that I was mistaken. Confidence is something that comes from inside and in my case I know it can’t be increased with the length of ones penis or the things one owns. Confidence is part of ones character. One of the few things I have found cannot be faked or changed externally.

But still I’m here doing PE. Why? I’m not sure either. Part of me wishes to see it through to completion; to prove to myself that I can complete some long-term goal. Another part of me would offer it as a gift to my next girlfriend, whoever she may be. But to be honest, I am comfortable with myself so my PE isn’t the result of feelings of inadequacy (as it once was).

Of course, I am only speaking for myself and do not wish to offend anybody. If I do, my deepest apologies.


Anyway, I just wanted to say hi for a second time around. I’m looking forward to posting here to get and give support when I need or it’s needed.


“You are not alone.” -Animatrix (A Kid’s story)

Welcome back tug_monkey,

glad to hear you´ve been through some positive changes, can´t have too many of those :)

The art of conversation is not a martial art

Welcome back tug_monkey,

I’m glad to hear you’re doing good! :up:

Welcome back Tug Monkey! I found out about PE after being married, and I’ve wondered if I would have been more confident around women if I had done PE before. From my perspective now, I think it would have. But I’m very different than I was 10-15 years ago. Back then, my size(high end of average), was the least of my concerns.

Just do PE because you want a bigger penis. That’s the best reason.


Thanks for the kudos. I’ve always thought it; Thunder’s Place is a wonderful community of support.Plus you can get a bigger dick….. pure icing.

This confidence thing is really something. Last week I met a gorgeous girl, had no problem talking to her and today I had my first date in a LONG time. There are a couple of things that may prevent a relationship, but I’m glad for the opportunity to get to know her, she really is special, and I can easily see myself falling for her.

Rocco, I like your quote. Does it come from a book? I’m looking to increase my conversation skill as well as the length of my member :) .

As for PE, I’m on a serious plan. I’m basically doing jelqs and stretches, twice daily (morning and night) for 1 hour per session . Believe it or not, my first two days have shown progress already! Although I’m sure any gains in my length or girth are miniscule at best, my flacid length and girth have already improved. This time around I’m dedicated to consistancy and am looking forward to substantial gains.

“You are not alone.” -Animatrix (A Kid’s Story)

Tell us how the date went.

I’m no dating expert, but I think that it went well. There were a couple of things that suggest that there may be potential for a relationship, and others that may not.

From the outset, I didn’t really know what to do with her. I knew that I wanted to get to know her but I also knew that I didn’t want to do anything too cliche. Since the weather was looking great, I was going to take her to this nice little harbour fairly close to where I live. My plan of the date was to set down a blanket, talk with each other and maybe go for a little walk to get something to eat.

When we met, my jaw dropped. She was absolutly beautiful.

Of course, the gods had a different plan :) It began to POUR. There was no way we would be able to sit down to enjoy the sun and each other. My plans were shot. We still had a good time anyway, though. We got a coffee, walked around and talked. Finally we caught a movie. We talked some more and that was it. The whole date lasted about 5 hours.

Throught the date, I got mixed signals. At one point of the date, she asked me if my parents would object that I was seeing an asian girl (I’m not asian). I thought to myself: “Does that mean we’re seeing each other?!” However, during another part of the date, after talking about long-term relationships, she mentioned that she wanted to take it slow.

I try not to think about it too much and read into it. If we go out again, I’ll just try to enjoy her and left the wind take us where it wants us to go. I’m hoping for something, though, as one doesn’t meet girls like this everyday! All in all, it was a great learning experience. It’s the first time that I’ve felt completely free on a date. It’s the first time that I’ve felt comfortable.

When we arrived at the car to leave, I gave her a hug and got a kiss. It was nice.

Now when I PE, I’m thinking of giving her maximum pleasure. I’m starting at around 7x5.5 and she is quite short and skinny so I’m probably already large enough to satisfy her, but I’m aiming for that 8x6 incher. Hopefully we will go out again as I’d love to get to know her on a much more intimate level.

“You are not alone.” -Animatrix (A Kid’s Story)


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