Secret to bigger balls? 4 days already bigger.
I posted this on PEGym earlier and figured I should share it with you guys.
I’m on my 4th day of drinking 2 tea spoons of extra virgin olive oil daily and also adding lots of broccoli to my vegetable juice. I added these 2 things because I read that they both boost your testosterone and can make your balls bigger. Well no joke, my balls have never looked big like this before. There’s no way this is a coincidence because I’ve always been self conscious about the size of them and tend to check them out daily and I cannot believe how big they are right now. I know it has nothing to do with the fact that I rarely masturbate now(porn detox) because I just masturbated last night and I was actually very hungover yesterday. This is crazy.
Both of my testicles appear to be slightly longer but they are both very noticeably wider and fatter. My entire sack seems more full and has been hanging lower than normal all day.