Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Sex and Size



You have more then enough to rock her world.. A guy with your measurements was nailing my wife while I was stupidly playing Ultima Online (Dungeons and Dragons). I confirmed that he was better at pleasing my wife then me sexually.. Do not hold back because you are worried that you can’t please her, because you can. Wind her up by eating her pussy a good while then throw your tounge into her ass, next, fuck her brains out then prior to breaking your tarter packet throw that Trout into her primary sex organ (which is her ass)..


Originally Posted by regularwhiteguy

.. A guy with your measurements was nailing my wife while I was stupidly playing Ultima Online (Dungeons and Dragons)..

Ive found your problem, you should be playing eve online (space rangers).Everyone knows AD&D geeks get no love, while space rangers have more pussy then you can shake a warp drive at.MMORP’s are more fun than women anyhow.Im crying on the inside as I type this.

Maxtro I got my little rotiune what I do is 4 min warm up (with wet towel rapped around) then I do 15 min of jelqs about a sec apart each jelq I do my jelqs with my thumb under neith my penis and index on top in the ok sign way oh and about 65% erected do you think thats a good rotiune? Oh and I do this rotiune 2 days in a row then skip a day

Using the spell checker

Hi Bxprpapi191

I’m pleased that we seemed able to put you on the straight and narrow with that absolutley normal size dick of yours……and I hope you are now using it to root (Australian for “screw”) like a rabbit and satisfy your woman !!!!!

But please be aware that we all make spelling errors and typing mistakes, but that at the bottom of the “Reply” or “New Thread” screen there is a click box called “SPELL CHECKER”.

Please use it!!!

It will help you to write such that people around the world can understand you more easily.

English may not be either your first language or theirs….but it’s not OK that even for those of us for whom it is our first language to have to guess what you mean through your multiple spelling mistakes ( and /or deliberate misuse of the language???)

Rob, "the person formerly known as P9"

This is a PENIS ENLARGEMENT FORUM, and whether it's tiny, medium or already huge, you are equally welcome to share how you grow it bigger and what this means to you!!!

Originally Posted by renderer

Everyone knows AD&D geeks get no love


Originally Posted by Bxprpapi191
Maxtro I got my little rotiune what I do is 4 min warm up (with wet towel rapped around) then I do 15 min of jelqs about a sec apart each jelq I do my jelqs with my thumb under neith my penis and index on top in the ok sign way oh and about 65% erected do you think thats a good rotiune? Oh and I do this rotiune 2 days in a row then skip a day

Heh, I’m not a vet or anything. I’ve only been doing my routine for about two weeks. You should read Andrew69’s thread. He went from 5 something to 7 something. It just goes to show that small guys like us can become big.

Here’s the link My routines, gains and thoughts on PE.

Start 5.25 BPEL x 4.36 EG

Current 6.2 BPEL x 4.60 EG

Originally Posted by Maxtro

I started this routine around the beginning of the month and I’ve gained about a quarter inch. I’m still not totally convinced PE works but I need to just take some photo’s and I’ll prove to myself that I’m growing.

You’re not alone in feeling this way when first looking for gains. Before we find PE we have been told for many years that size can’t be changed. It only natural that someone has initial doubts. Think about it though, it’s proven that ligaments can be stretched. This is known fact even in the non pe world. Add that fact about ligaments to so much testimony here that it does work, and that is real assurance. Even that isn’t as powerful assurance as when those first gains come in. At first I thought I had made a mistake or something when I first saw gains. And I didn’t know about Thunder’s or any other forum at the time. I was on my own doing PE from some tidbits of information I had found surfing. You’ve got tremendous backup here. It’s amazing I didn’t give up when I didn’t see any results the first three months. I had much doubt and no one to talk with about it like you do. Don’t ever give up, it is real and will work for you sooner or later.


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