L-Arginine will not make you hornier. That would be placebo effect.
It is an effective vasodilator - good for after work-out pumps and firmer erections. It’ll also increase semen production and give sperm greater motility, although you have to take it for a few weeks before you will notice these increases (and to notice sperm motility you’ll need a microscope).
If you take it you’ll need to drink a lot of water. This will be part of what increases your load.
If you are dosing with NoX2 (or the equivalent) you will need the water and will actually run the risk of dehydrating more easily.
NoX2 is actually Arginine alpha-Ketoglutartate (aka: A-AKG). This product, and others like it, recommend a 3000 mg dose 3 times a day. This is mostly for bodybuilding - with a nice side effect: harder hard-ons.
For the hard-ons alone the 1500 - 3000 mg /day range should do the trick.
Arginine alpha-Ketoglutartate is much more bio-available than regular L-Arginine. If you are taking two or three 500 mgs of a supermarket or drugstore L-Arginine supplement try doubling the dosage, it’ll work better for you.
High arginine intake will aggravate certain chronic conditions: the various herpes, eczema, psoriasis. It will not give you these conditions unless you already have them, and if you do have them (most people have herpes - the cold-sore kind, not genital) it may not affect you this way at all. You’ll have to see. To counter balance this effect, if it shows up, you should up your lysine intake. 500 mg per day should do it.
As far as making your cum taste bad … I don’t know.
I’m not really a cum connoisseur.
But fruit juice is well documented to improve the taste; any highly sweet natural juice will do: pineapple juice, apple juice, or grape juice, for example. Natural fruit sugars are what do it. Processed sugars … not so much.
As far as being hornier … you’re what? 18? What do you need a pill for? When I was 18 a stiff breeze and the thought of girl I liked would do it.
Actually scratch the breeze.