Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Shaft hair


About shaving pubic hair, will you feel embarrased to expose your shaved pubic area to others in the locker’s room or doctors due to the fear that you might be considered a weirdo by others?

Originally Posted by Lil J76
Anybody try hot wax ?? OUCH!! I think alot of guys have hair on the shaft. I just do like most do , shave it in the shower every once in ahwile.

I tried this was not good at all, blood started dripping out of the pores where the hair used to be :( , AAaaaaaaaaaaaah

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Originally Posted by ShaggyDog
It isn’t?

Then what’s the point of it existing?

The hair will fade and thin out with time, but this requires several treatments. Even electrolysis requires more than one treatment. I know a guy who became a gal, and he/she had to have electrolysis on his/her face and neck. Multiple treatments were necessary. It was very painful.

Originally Posted by dan7
Yea tweezing takes a long time though haaaha! Shaving causes to much razor burn for me but I do it anyhow!! Maybe ill just check out the laser hair removal procedure when I get some extra cash!

If shaving doesn’t work well for you, Nair makes a hair removal product for men. Perhaps this would work.

Originally Posted by losthorizon
About shaving pubic hair, will you feel embarrased to expose your shaved pubic area to others in the locker’s room or doctors due to the fear that you might be considered a weirdo by others?

I’m not embarrassed by it. I trim my chest hair too. So everything matches. I think it looks good.

Originally Posted by ThunderSS
Do some research here before you try Nair.

Why’s that? Will this stuff cause your dick to fall off? Fortunately, the shaving works fine for me.

If anyone is going to try something like the Nair, I would recommend testing it on your penis skin first. It could really irritate the area.

I’ve used Nair, not on my package but other places and to me it doesn’t work at all. It just seemed to break the hair off for me, shaving gets it way closer. As long as you soap it up enough you should avoid the razor burn, remember shave with the grain. Other than that I shave the very bottom of the shaft as well as the boys while I’m down there.

Man who farts in church sits in pew...

Nair is garbage, if you have sensitive skin it might cause something similar to a rash, little bumps coming out on your skin. Mind you I used it for the stray hairs on my back and it did that, I can’t imagine what it would do down there. I think your best option is just to shave, every 3 or 4 days. It really takes 2 minutes of your time so it’s not too big of a hassle.



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