Hey fellow PE’rs I’m here because I know I need to get some dick gains or I’m gonna go insane with self consciousness but I’m afraid to start.
I keep reading about how this could be dangerous and how it could damage me if I do it wrong (or right nontheless) and I don’t wanna lose what “little” I already have for the sake of getting more.My question is, from other PE’rs point of veiw: Should I start PEing ? I’ve lost 120lbs and still can’t bring myself to be confident around women because I know that even if I go to a bar and pick one up I couldn’t get any farther in a relationship because I’m only 4.5inches erect and 5.7-6 inch girth. I’d love to get some length gains but I’m afraid to even start.
So how tall are you and what is your weight now? If your over weight still for sure that should be your number one priority since thats the easiest way to gain length. If you start you will probably get some nice newbie gains and if you stay consistent I am sure you could reach 6 inches length in a reasonable amount of time.
<If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are headed>