Thunder's Place

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Silicon based stretcher from ebay? Any used before


I can’t seem to get it to fit comfortably. I’m uncircumcised and no matter how much I’ve tried to manipulate the positioning, I feel skin pinching and skin stretching. Any tips on using one of these for the uncircumcised penis?

Is skin stretching bad though?

Well, a little skin stretching was good as I didn’t realize before that my foreskin seemed to limit a full erection. However, I can see stretchmarks now and it also looks darker in the stretched skin. When I pull back the foreskin, it’s looser and looks more wrinkled as well. I don’t want to give up. I’m just hoping that if I can make some gains that they eventually fill out the extra skin.

June 2011: BPEL 7 3/4 EG 5 3/4 (20.39 ci)| Sept 2011: BPEL 7 3/4 EG 6 (22.20 ci)

Last edited by Citizen Dick : 06-05-2011 at .

How exactly does this device fit on your dick?

I love my life

There is a strap that goes around your knee. That is connected to to some tension string, which is connected to a silicon cup that you roll down on the head of your dick. Sorry this isn’t the most elaborate explanation, but I hope that you get the idea

Well, I Just purchased it! Hope it works well in combination with my other ADS and the newbie routine!

I love my life

Where did you purchase it from? What other ads do you use?

Man you are an inquisitive one… I bought esl40 on ebay from esl40, my other ads is the regular strap one.

I love my life


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