Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Size Performance

Not mine. I was answering this question:

Originally Posted by ironaddict69


Imaru, I am very interested (if you don’t mind elaborating as it does seem rather personal) of how you have had many women cry and then fall is love quickly? …

4:40 am and I am wired but having difficulty keeping my eyes open as well. Ability to speel and type at the same time becoming problematic as well.

Ironaddict, depending on how you look at it I either don’t try at all or I try amazingly hard! I do not try and make them cry or make them fall in love with me. But I am an off the charts empath and connect at a level that many have never experienced before. I like women a lot and never have “casual” sex. If they are not having freaky amazing mind blowing sex it is no good for me.

So I am amazingly careful. It is very much a razors edge. I don’t want to mess them up or hurt them! Crying because they have never had sex like that before is one thing. But having them fall romance novel head over heals in love with me could end up hurting them in the long run. But to actually dummy it way down is being fake and i have a problem with that.

Running a Massive Co-Front.

Okay that makes sense. Do you mind if I ask what your current size is? Do you think it has anything to do with why the sex causes this reaction you get? Some of the moderators around here (COUGH marinera COUGH) have forearms for dicks.

I have a smaller length than you and my girlfriend always seems pleased.. I always just try to get her warmed up with really good oral to get her a little more sensitive. I know she has been with 2 other guys but I’m not sure of their length nor do I really care. Never had any complaints.

BPEL - 5 5/8" --- Goal 6"

MSEG - 4.5 " ---- Goal 4.75 "

Originally Posted by iamaru
I know that you are joking; however, being “psychic” will make you the best she ever had much more than a big cock will. I am used to having women cry the first time we have sex and fall in love with me very quickly.

I have compared notes with other old timey members that are like me. If you are interested, we share the following traits:

Smarter than the average bear and highly empathic.

A need to rock our partners world bordering on being a fetish.

Endurance, endurance, and more endurance.

Nonjudgmental; lovers can tell us anything.

Master of the mechanics of sex.

If you have the mindset described above you will become a technical master rather quickly, and without even trying. If you don't have the mindset described above, having a big dick will actually be a detriment with some women.

Iamaru, items 1, 2 and 4 definitely apply to me.

I’m not sure if endurance and being a master of the mechanics of sex applies to me. I’ve only had sex with one girl.

Is there any knowledge you can share as far as mechanics? Is there anything I can do to ensure or increase endurance?

Hey Travesty. When you say endurance, are you meaning that it’s to difficult to last long enough to make her cum? I believe Kegel exercises can help in this department. In fact, any exercises that you can do that improve your EQ should help.

And then there’s the flip side. How many guys can relate to having sex and coming too soon. Give it a few minutes, hit it again, and you last far more. Well, in my experience with jelqing, sometimes when I do a little too much, my EQ is OK, but I can also last longer.

Just some food for thought.

So you’re saying cum — then come back for more? Hahaha

I lasted long enough to make my ex cum. I haven’t been with the new girl yet — we’re long distance. She said it’s hard to make her cum and just doesn’t know how my size will be since she’s never had it.

Yeah you can :) I make girls scream from my size :D It’s me not the unit ;)

Start July 07 2011 = Length 6.5 Girth 5.3 ---> 07 / May / 2012 = NBPEL 7 In / BEG 6.2.5 In / MEG 5.8

Goal : All the way --- And no this is not my photo :D

Originally Posted by Travesty
I’m not sure if endurance and being a master of the mechanics of sex applies to me. I’ve only had sex with one girl.

Some guys have a default sex endurance of as long as they like. So being limited in experience doesn’t necessarily mean you have bad endurance. My sex endurance has always been such that the only limiting factor has been my overall endurance. I tell people that after a few days I start to get tired. The joke is, I’m not joking.

Given your mind set, you will end up being a technical master. Given your mind set, you may well already be better than plenty of guys with lots more experience. Do be aware that most guys are not like you are!

Running a Massive Co-Front.


If you can reliably last for as little as 15 minutes of humping and are smart, intuitive/empathic then you can effectively last as long as you like. Simply mix things up a lot. I have yet to meet a woman that will say no to a skilled oral artist switching back to oral.

Running a Massive Co-Front.

You yourself note that she had better sex with a good 7” lover than a bad 7.5” one— so why not extrapolate to the next step— size isn’t the key.

There are a bunch of threads around here on technical and emotional skills for lovers— you have the keys to the kingdom right here— enjoy.

WE are the 99% 'WE are the people you depend on; we cook your meals, we haul your trash, we connect your calls. We drive your ambulances. We guard you while you sleep. Don't f&ck with us'-- Madame DeFarge

"Rope trades @$10 a yard. I wonder if they even know that?"- Capitalist

You could also try a penis extender.

I also had a small penis it worked for me

Take a look at : nis for more information

Originally Posted by iamaru
I know that you are joking; however, being “psychic” will make you the best she ever had much more than a big cock will. I am used to having women cry the first time we have sex and fall in love with me very quickly.

I have compared notes with other old timey members that are like me. If you are interested, we share the following traits:

Smarter than the average bear and highly empathic.

A need to rock our partners world bordering on being a fetish.

Endurance, endurance, and more endurance.

Nonjudgmental; lovers can tell us anything.

Master of the mechanics of sex.

If you have the mindset described above you will become a technical master rather quickly, and without even trying. If you don't have the mindset described above, having a big dick will actually be a detriment with some women.

From your stats it says your girth is 6.25, that could be a factor as to why the women like sex with you so much, you might not if you were more average sized.

Originally Posted by iamaru
Nonjudgmental; lovers can tell us anything.

If you can make her feel very secure with you that you love every bit of her body this will allow her to relax and really enjoy the experience. Furthermore she will allow you more access to areas of her body that she may have been a little self conscious about. When we can finally and completely let go she will explode.


Starting: 5.5" BPEL, 5.0" MSEG (Jan 2012). Current (4/9/2012) 5.75" BPEL

Immediate Goal: 6.5" x 5.5", Continuing on to: 7.5" x 6.0" and eventually would like to reach 8.5" x 7"

I’ve been dating a new girl for four or five weeks now, and I can make her cum easier and more often with my fingers than my cock. And at seven inches long (non bone-pressed) by five and a half inches around, I am plenty big. I just measured from the crease where my fingers join my palm, and my middle finger is just shy of the three inch mark. So, almost six inches in length will be plenty. It is more than enough.


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