Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Slight pain for the first few jelqs ok-question mark

Slight pain for the first few jelqs ok-question mark

So sometimes in my routine I try to fit in an extra exercise day when I know I won’t be able to get at it for a couple of days and my shaft will be slightly sore for the first 20-40 jelq strokes (which I do very gently) and then once everything is stretched out it feels ok. Wondering if I should not jelq on these days and wait till I’m more rested. Would seem like a reasonable argument that any soreness during jelqing is bad but I’m not sure. Any professional advice would be greatly appreciated.

No professional here but if you are sore anywhere but the base ligaments I would skip the session. You only have one dick.

"Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog it's too dark to read." -Groucho Marx

Soreness and pain is to be avoided in all things PE!

How about a few more jelqs during a normal session and a trying to obtain a feeling of fatigue that isn’t too uncomfortable, if you know you won’t be able to get your next few sessions in? But if you are totally new to PE, don’t worry about doing extra… it’s a marathon not a sprint you know.;)

Also, consistency is key, try to miss as few regular PE sessions as possible to maximise potential growth. Happy PE-ing

Rest days are important in PE just like lifting weights; it’s ok to adjust your schedule when needed, as a matter of fact it has helped me in my efforts.


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