Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Smoking and PE?

Smoking and PE?

G’day fellow salami-cocks (well, most of you anyway!)

Just joined this simply brilliant forum today, and am looking forward to sharing our PE experiences with each other.

Have a question about the effect of smoking on PE gains: I smoke half a pack a day, no less. I have been PEing now for about 3 weeks (over the years, I did it on and off, but with no real consistency). My question is how bad are cigarettes for PE potentiality?

Take care of your cocks boys, and remember to worship the cunt (for those who have the opporunity to do so, unlike me!).

Smoking is just bad for circulation in general, not to mention just a whole host of other bad things. Since your cock depends on top notch circulation for ultimate performance, anything that deteriorates blood flow is bad. Also, anything that is bad for your heart, smoking, cholesterol, saturated fat, is also bad for your cock. It’s all about keeping those arteries free and clear.

The primary goal of PE should be to make your penis as healthy as possible in both form and function. If you do that, increased size will follow.

I smoke because it makes me look cool.

yeah- i smoke because it makes me look cool as well, that’s one of the reasons i can’t bring myself to quit, coupled with the fact that each and every one of my friends smokes as well… wonder how that will affect ultimate cock-gains?

>>I smoke because it makes me look cool

I think you smoke to have a husky voice … aaarrggg

Well Baracus, smoking hasn’t shortened my cock. And seeing as how I have gained nearly an inch in length while gleefully inhaling the dreaded poison I’m apt to conclude that smoking in fact makes my cock grow. I should note though, that my smoking hasn’t affected anyone elses cock. At least not to my knowledge. Still, I haven’t been the recipient of any complaints nor have any expressions of gratitude been forthcoming. I don’t know what that says for the second-hand smoke argument, so draw your own conclusions, but I recommend you be careful not to kill any innocent bystanders with your reckless habit.

I wonder: Can people smoke and still be in the Fat Cock Club?
And why are you unable to worship the cunt?


” I wonder: Can people smoke and still be in the Fat Cock Club? “

Absolutely… the FCC does not discriminate in any way against those who harbour fat cocks, and smoke at the same time. Try and think of it as a (perhaps unique!) gentlemen’s club where seedy smoke patterns consume the air, and chatter of the superiority of thickness ensues!

“And why are you unable to worship the cunt? “

Unfortunately, I’m one of those blokes who can only worship the cunt by looking at a screen or smutty pubilcations… although I plan to change this rather regressive trend sooner than later!

Thanks for your, er, response on the smoking matter!!


>I plan to change this rather regressive trend sooner than later! <

Well, best of luck. But don’t forget what the French say about change.

>Thanks for your, er, response on the smoking matter!! <

Anything I can do to help a brother.



Not sure if I qualify for the “fat cock club” but I smoke… I know I should quit as it’s not good for me… Could be the reason my gains move at a snails pace…

Thanks for the support Cap- if I did things the French way, I’d probably be settling down with my right hand to live a, well, friction-filled relationship(!!)

go well, mate.


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