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So, after my month and 2weeks of newbie routine

So, after my month and 2weeks of newbie routine

I Went and payed 3$ for my first set of clamps! did my first 2sets today(decide to start alittle slow.) x2sets of 5minute clamping.
Should I stop the newbie routine completely now and just focus on clamping?
Also, After my 2nd season of clamping, I might of over clamped it alittle. I have a slight soreness on the left side at the base of my penis. Is that normal?

Clamping routine for the first 2weeks.
2xset of 5minute clamping
1day on 1day off.

Start stats.

NBPL - 6inches
girth - alittle under 5 1/2.

Goal after 6months

NBPL - 6inches
girth - 6.25

Also can anyone really confirm, if working on my girth will affect my length gains. Once I read up more on hanging and actual think about doing it?


Last edited by Zombiedrool : 10-19-2007 at .

I think it is much to soon to be clamping.
Stick with the Newbie Routine a bit longer, say another two months before clamping.

Work on length first then girth. It has been my experience when I work on girth I may lose a little length. So you may experience this also.
So what I do is work on length for another six weeks. Then do higher erection jelqing at about 70% erection level for six weeks on girth growth.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

so, what kind of routine should I do for my length?

havent gain’d anything from the newbie routine is 2weeks.

The first week, I could feel the difference.Now it feels like nothing it really happening for me. But i’ll still with it another few months.

Originally Posted by kingpole
I think it is much to soon to be clamping.
Stick with the Newbie Routine a bit longer, say another two months before clamping.

Work on length first then girth. It has been my experience when I work on girth I may lose a little length. So you may experience this also.
So what I do is work on length for another six weeks. Then do higher erection jelqing at about 70% erection level for six weeks on girth growth.

What he said.

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