So it's been 3 Months and POP
Alright chaps!
Well it’s been three months since I started by natural approach to PE and I have a few more things to report.
The ol chap is now at 6.7 BPEL which is just fantastic, it feels better and looks more rude lol. On the girth side I was 4.1 and I’m not 4.2. Girth has been alto slower really and it’s annoying but I’ll keep on at it.
I was doing 200 jelqs after 10 mins of stretching for 3 months. Now I’m doing 200 Jelqs and 50 standard uli’s.
Today I did the inverted v stretch and something went ‘pop’ it scared the shit out of me! I am presuming that this was a lig?? It wasn’t painfull at all, is this normal and what does it mean? I have been doing the stretch where you lie on you back, put your knees on your chest and pull you cock out, really does the trick but never pulled a lig..
Still getting heavy burst vessels on the shaft skin but they go in a day it’s not a problem, although I’m worrying I’m perhaps bursting vessels inside as well??
I’m at that 3 month period and want to step it up a bit to keep on encouraging growth so any suggestions really welcome.
This is an interesting one for you though.. I havn’t looked at any porn for months and was really happy with my PE development and the look and feel of my unit. Then I started watching porn again recently and felt like I had a long way to go, was telling myself, “your small” etc. Just goes to show how stuff like that can make you think silly things as 6.7 is not small I don’t think, perhaps 4.2 girth is a bit pants but I’m working on it!
Anyways, any taking it to the next step advise and that pop noise would be greatly welcome!
Strength and Length