Thunder's Place

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Some advice please guys greatly appreciated

Some advice please guys greatly appreciated

I have been doing PE for probably the best part of 2 years on and off. When I first started I was single and had a very strict routine which included 600 slow jelques, manual stretches, kegals and stretching using an extender when possible.

If I’m completely honest I have probably only really seen a difference in my errection hardness and possibly girth. I have never properly measured my penis as I find that both my flacid and erect size can vary depending on a number of things. This hasnt discouraged me though as I know that like anything worth having it will take time.

I have thought about having a mould done of my member with one of the kits available on the internet as a reference point for the future. My approximate stretched out length flacid and erect is around 6.5” and I think in the past I measured my erect girth midshaft at around 5 inches. I know it sounds silly but if I stand upright with an errection and measure my penis erect or flacid and stretched out it will come up as around 6.2”, however if I sit on a seat and open my legs to measure it seems a bit more of penis is revealed and I measure slightly longer. I assume this is completely normal?

The main reason for my post is tot ask for some advice on my current situation. I work a 9-5 job mon-fri, I do my jelquing and kegals in the morning in the toilets at the gym after I shower. I then go to work, train at the gym after work and then sit in my room and try to get between 2 and 4 hours stretching time out using my penis extending with the strap. I have only been following this routine for around a week to date as I have only recently started this new job after travelling south east asia for nearly 2 years, therefore obviously I expect no results in such a short space of time. Anyway back to the point, I see my girlfriend at the weekend and obviously I keep my PE regime to myself. The thing is for friday and saturday (sometimes sunday also) I am not able to jelque or stretch whilst she is around.

What I would like to know is with my penis being stretched for ideally 4 hours per day using my extender and around 1 hour of jelquing 4-5 days per week, will the 2-3 rest days per week prevent me from growing? As the penis is stretched when its in the device, will the results still be perminent? Will the rest days I take after the days of exercise reverse my hard work and results?

Will I still gain length from the stretching even though I’m rest a few days per week and will I still benefit from the jelquing even though I have to take the rest?

Any advice will be greatly appreciated! If I were single and worked from home it would perfect! As I am not I have to make do with the time I have available.

Thank you for your help!

Well from what I’ve gathered there’s two theories on this board about rest days. Most people advocate rest days with a 2 on 1 off, 3 on 1 off, or a 5 on 2 off. The other theory is mostly hangers from what I’ve seen, and they say no rest days to maintain maximum weakness in penile tissues. Many people have gained off of either method.

You have a pretty long stretch routine going on there which might make your 2 to 3 rest days needed. Remember more is not always more. Perhaps a lighter routine might benefit you more. With no gains after 2 years, it sounds like you may have been over training. Also be sure to get your warm up in, it’s essential. Warm ups can be the difference between gaining and not gaining.

Anyway the point is you should be fine with that routine as long as you stick to it and remain dedicated and consistent. Monitor your PIs to make sure you’re not over-training too. Best of luck to you!

Best of luck to all fellow PE-ers in their journey.


just a simple question: if you are PE-ing in the toilets of the gym, how do you proceed for warm-up and warm-down?

Or as Firegoat would say: the difference could be the (missing) heat…

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Although I said that I’ve done PE for 2 years I do very much so mean on and off, I shoudn’t really have said that because the exercises have been very sporadic. As of last week I have been following the routine I mentioned about with the morning jelques and evening stretching. The main purpose for my question was just to establish weather I am taking too much of a rest over the weekend for any results to be permanent. I am very dedicated in may aspects of my life, and commit as much time as I realistically can towards PT. The only area that I have tried to improve but with no success to date is night stretching.. Being able to use my stretcher through the night as I sleep, I just cannot handle. After a few hours I just have to remove it.

In the mornings I always shower for around 20 mins after my workout and so I know that I am warming up enough. Out of curiosity though, how does the warm up make such a difference to growing and now growing?

I’ve read in various places that on average to gain around 1/2 - 1 inch in length can take from between 1000 and 2000 hours of total stretching time. Which brings me back to my last point, working towards this goal am I wasting my time as I am not able to stretch 7 days per week? Will my rest days affect my growth? Does it matter if the hours are accumulated every day or 5 days with 2 off and so on?

Thank you so much for your help guys! Appreciate it so much! Id like to think that one day I could offer similar advice to somebody else starting out.


maybe it’s time for a re-conditioning into the newbie routine. just 3 months in order to organize your life around PE exercising and getting your dick used to regular training.

not too intense, with a 2/1 on/off schedule and a slow increase of intensity. and stretching alone is IMHO not enough, jelqing is the foundation of every PE routine. Joined with some Kegels (every day, that’s no problem) and accurate logbook-keeping and measuring, I am quite convinced the Raster Rabbit will bring you a pleasurable result in growth.

Just try to be consistent…

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My logbook: Richard65 - the roadbook


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