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Some glans exercise idea.

Some glans exercise idea.

Just randomly came upon a thought. Most head exercises are manual-associated, i.e. are based on jelq/squeezing. There doesn’t seem to be one which would be associated, say, with clamping. So, I’ve thought about adding glans work to clamping.

Glans seem to expand well from combination of maximum blood pressure and direct ‘mashing’ of head. Particularly, mashing could be done in 2 general ways - pressing upon top of the glans, which seem to create pressure upon ridge, and squeezing head with fist, which presses on ridge and gives some room to expand right at the top.

Blood supply is an important factors considering glans’ size. The high-pressure mashing seems to ‘open’ the blood vessels in head. I myself notice visible veins on head after glans-focused exercises. Still, the primary supply of blood to glans is the CS. Sadsak Head - style squeezing with focus on glans should apply high pressure upon CS - so no blood gets around the grip.
Also, the ‘bulb’, which is connected to CS, is a blood reservoir for glans. If you press upon it, glans will immediately get engorged. Kegeling has same effect, but it doesn’t press out all the blood, additional press on the bulb will deliver some more pressure.

As such, the exercise is as follows:
Get prepared to clamping. When you’re at the erection level you close the clamp, kegel, press upon the bulb (it’s between balls and anus), and clamp - that way you’ll max out the possible amount of blood in CS and glans. Then, place, for example, your right hand as in Sadsak Head, check that you can press upon the CS efficiently, blocking blood passage. With other hand, grab your head. Do a quick Sadsak Head (SH), not necessarily very intense, hold for 2-3 seconds, then squeeze your glans, while holding SH. Stay that way for 2-3 seconds. Release SH, continue holding glans for 2-3 seconds. Wait 2-3 seconds, do SH while holding glans. Hold that way for 2-3 seconds, then release glans. Then grip glans again, you get the idea - cycling blood in and out of head, with intermediate periods when CS should be put under high pressure near glans, developing blood vessels.
It’s a high intensity exercise and is only for conditioned people. Furthermore, I guess that it’d be better done with doghound & sparkyx’s soft long duration clamping.
Also, the grabbing head mash can be alternated with pressing one, for more uniform workout of the glans.

Originally Posted by Nevod
It’s a high intensity exercise and is only for conditioned people.

Take this warning seriously, newbies! This sounds like a fairly “extreme” PE exercise and should be used with caution.

This sounds dangerous.


Yeah, sounds dangerous. I think it would spark really good growth at first but I would be afraid to get more intense after doing that. Lmao

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