Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Some issues.

Some issues.

I have done a few searches on this, but I would still like some advice on my specific situation and issues..

1. My erection quality, for the past few days I haven’t ejaculated at all and I was extremely horny for a few days. I did some edging and had the best erection I’ve ever had. I stopped being horny yesterday, exactly 7 days and the feeling went away. Along with my libido. So masturbated to test out what will happen in the next few days. Today is day 1 and my sex drive is down, no morning wood.

I want a harder erection, for the past few days I loved my 90-95% erection. But when I have sex with my gf I’m only about 70%. How can I have a harder erection?

2. My libido, the urge for sex went away after 7 days of no ejaculation, my libido is down and I have no morning wood. I used to masturbate every day and I did not wake up with morning wood and had cold hands. When I stopped masturbating I had morning + boners throughout the day. I went to the bathroom at work and swung around with my 95% erection and I hit the toiletpaper thing a bit too hard and broke it. (It was plastic)

I want my sex drive to be higher, way up, how can I achieve this? It seems that after I masturbate 1 time I lose the urge completely only if I keep thinking about sex is when I want to go for another round.

I also just started with PE and I took it lightly, 20 mins, 3x a week I’m going to start with 2 on, 1 off, 2 on next week. So I don’t think it’s the PE.

You had “cold hands” ? I’m thinking, is your blood circulation is alright? Also, try some kegels.

Past: 5-5.5" BPEL x 4.5" GIRTH

Present: 7.55" BPEL x 5.55" GIRTH (1 year progress)

Future: 8-9" BPEL x 6" GIRTH

Originally Posted by Okish6er
You had “cold hands” ? I’m thinking, is your blood circulation is alright? Also, try some kegels.

I don’t know, I usually have cold hands in the morning/evening when I’m at home.

I believe that it’s likely that you have bad circulation. It may not be it but if your extremities are cold and you are having a hard time getting a full erection then it’s a possibility.

Start: 3/25/07: BPEL: 5.5" EG: 5" NBPEL: 5" BPFSL: 5.75" Progress: 4/10/07 BPEL: 6" EG: 5" GREAT SUCCESS!!

Progress: 5/18/07 BPEL: 6.25" EG: 5.1" FL: 3.5" FG: 4.25" Still growing! Progress: 5/30/07 BPEL: 6.5" NBPEL: 6" BPFSL: 7" Gained an inch! Gains 6/21/07 FL: 4" FG:4.5"

Ok, how do I improve my circulation?

Body goes through natural hormonal cycles. Some people this is not apparent with, others it is more pronounced. You may be a guy who fluctuates.

Originally Posted by Reiki
Ok, how do I improve my circulation?

Ginko biloba. Between 60-240mg, you thren can say good bye to your 955 erections and your 100% erections. Because after ginko sets in. Takes fourteen days you can say hello! To 120% erections. Keep edging, avoid ejaculation if you can, this may be something you have to work up to. Thats OK Ballooning is five times more effective than edging this has been my experience.

You can order Ginko on line, or get it from the drug store, health food store. It must be standardised. Get the standardised only.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

Originally Posted by kingpole
Ginko biloba. Between 60-240mg, you thren can say good bye to your 955 erections and your 100% erections. Because after ginko sets in. Takes fourteen days you can say hello! To 120% erections. Keep edging, avoid ejaculation if you can, this may be something you have to work up to. Thats OK Ballooning is five times more effective than edging this has been my experience.

You can order Ginko on line, or get it from the drug store, health food store. It must be standardised. Get the standardised only.

Ok I’m gonna go take a look in the drug store tommorow, whats ballooning?


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