Originally Posted by dickerschwanz
I think you should think in longer timeframes. IMO you are jumping the gun too fast.Generally doing jelqs at higher errection % might help girth(like 75%). Also doing them slower.
But obviously you are not conditioned enough to really do something advanced regarding girth.
You should get at least 3 months constant newbie routine and then adjust.
You always should look to have a good EQ or be one day away from a good EQ.
Thanks, and thanks to everybody else for their answers.
What I had in mind was perhaps adding as little as a minute’s worth of jelqs per week (since the newbie routine suggested increasing to 30 minutes-worth over 6 weeks). But maybe I should just stick it out a while.
The EQ thing is a bit of an ongoing issue for me. I can achieve excellent erection level when edging, can control it through jelqing, and whatnot. But, because I am such a depressive, I don’t get really get spontaneous erections throughout the day. I’m too much of a misery. As for during the night: if I’m having a good night of sleep then I get good boners, but where I’m stuck awake at night, not even a marrow.
If you see where I’m going with this, it appears that my nitewood and morning wood issues are stress and depression related rather than over-training related - because good stuff happens when my mind is clear and I’m sleeping well.
How should I judge this? Is the overall picture a good EQ? Sigh. So many aspects to this.
STARTING STATS - 02/02/2015: BPEL 7.6 --- MEG 5.25 --- 5.25" with semi erection; but 5.16 MEG with 100% boner; BEG 5.47
CURRENT - 13/03/2015: I had to check a few times, but I'm pretty sure I got a genuine BPEL 7.8!! Will check girth again in a couple of weeks
GOAL: BPEL 8.50 --- MEG 5.5 --- BRING IT ON! (I've revised my goals for the time being; maybe I was being too ambitious too early on)