Sore Penis caused by girlfriend not PE!
Hi all,
Have been doing the PE thing for all of about 2 weeks now and even though I was going to wait a month whipped out the ruler to see how many inches I had packed on already (joking). Didn’t expect to see any gains and a few days ago when I measured I was actually quite a bit smaller. Measured today and was about 4mm bigger so will put the ruler away for a while - unless the girlfriend wants to use it - just hope she doesn’t sniff it that’s all! When measuring do you guys keagel (sp) until your eyes pop out and then quickly take the measurement? (is that cheating?)
Also would like to mention that so far no injuries which is good as I’m taking it easy and just doing jelqing every second day and stretching quite a bit (I find that doing the “Look at me I’m a girl, tuck” then sitting in front of the computer is good as you don’t get sore hands).
Talking about sore that brings me to the subject of this post. My only penis injuries to date were caused by my first girlfriend . First off was my first blowjob, she must’ve gone into vacuum cleaner mode as it was really painful and the next day there was a massive (well looked massive) bloodspot on my knob. The second time was after doing the deed about 13 times in one weekend I burst a vein which put me out of action for a while (after 13 times it’s like trying to play pool with a piece of rope if you know what I mean). BTW 13 is probably a good guess as we only left the bedroom to get food then back into it. Can anybody claim more than that? (perhaps it’s my imagination and it was only 3 times!)
Anyways that’s enough rambling (too much Coke perhaps).