Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

speeding up

speeding up

I started jelquing about 2 weeks ago, I did it for a week straight and then after not seeing ANY results (not even directly after jelqing) I quickely got disinncouraged and quit… any advice to not get disincouraged so quickly???? or preferably to speed up my results?? -thanx

PS: 5.5” <- help!

>>any advice to not get disincouraged so quickly????>>

Yeah, don’t measue till 6 weeks after you restart.

>> or preferably to speed up my results?? -thanx >>

How long have you had the dick you got?
Even if you exercise 1 hour a day for 6 months and don’t get any gains you won’t have lost anything. Most report gains within the first 3 months some report a lot of gains early then slow down or stop gaining. Some get no gains for 3 or 4 months then suddenly begin to get some good gains.

Do 5 thirty second stretches twice a day. and 15 min jelq, work up to 30 or 40 min over 6 or 8 weeks. Save the squeezes or other advaced stuff for later. If possible warmup/warmdown is a good idea.

Check it out guys, no need to have a big dick if you ain't gonna use it!!


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