Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Squats hinder gains

I guess it really does depend on what you are aiming to improve. But yeah without doubt Squats are where it’s at if you want to hit your quads hard.

It’s almost funny that we are debating the merits of two of the toughest and best exercises that exist! If only more trainees would do them!

Measurements: 11/06: 7.75" bpel/ 6.25" mseg.

My routine consists of both Squats & Deadlifts.

Stronger legs,Stronger back,Stronger core and stronger hands. What more can a guy wish for?

They are both great for T & HGH elevation!

"You shall call him E.Honda"

"Demokrati är inget annat än att ge majoriteten rätten att mobba minoriteten. Min kropp, mitt kapital och mitt liv ska vara mitt val!"

Originally Posted by doggmann
If only more trainees would do them!

I know it’s tough to come into the gym and see these kids all scrambling for the dumbells for bicept curls or the bench for benchpress without even the slightest intention of even looking at the power rack for back/legs. I know I used to be JUST like that until I had a consultation with some of my buddies with a personal trainer who was HUGE. I thought I knew it all and he pretty much embarrassed me in front of my friends about 8 years ago. I would like to thank him for that humiliation that made me change my ways!

Start May-28-09 --- BPEL 5.875/EG 4.75/NBPEL 5.125/FL 3.00/FG 4.00 *Oct 24/09 --- BPEL 6.750/EG 4.875/NBPEL 5.875/FL 4.000/FG 4.250*

Short Term Goal --- BPEL 7.000/EG 5.000

Long Term Goal --- BPEL 7.500/EG 6.000

Originally Posted by Marc678816
I agree with you on some of your points. I agree that the deadlift will work the quads when starting deep, but the ROM (Range of Motion) of squats far outperforms ability of deadlifts to work the quads. Your second point about the deadlifts working hamstrings more effectively than quads I agree with. Third, I believe squats have a far greater ROM with the glutes when performed properly (squats performed at least, if not past parallel to the floor). Fourth, I don’t know what you’re trying to say here, I am guessing you do not have a gym accessible to you so convenience is a factor. Finally, it’s your interpretation of athletic ability, whether it be fast sprints, long distance runs, or, like me, powerlifting. I believe squats and deadlifts are equal in standing, and one does not beat out the other as they work separate parts of the body.

This has been debated over the years but I’ve never heard anyone say there is a more effective exercise than the squats.

Until now of course.

Squats are just magical..absolutely magical.

Deadlifts are good,no doubting that, but if done slightly wrong can be even more dangerous than squats and are nowhere near as effective on your cardiovascular system when compared side by side.

I’ve done 10 minute squat sessions that leave me dizzy,unable to walk,on the verge of throwing up and with barely enough strength to say my name and I fucking love it!!!!!!!


But I must re-iterate both exercise’s are highly effective and should make up the foundation of all your weight/strength training.

Starting stats:- Dec11th2008 7.2"bpelx6" meg.Mar23rd09 8.375"bpel x 6.125"meg. Mar10 8.4" bpelx6.125" meg.

Goal: 8"nbpel x 7" A one eyed monster by any standard :)

Originally Posted by kooljohn
This has been debated over the years but I’ve never heard anyone say there is a more effective exercise than the squats.

Until now of course.

Squats are just magical..absolutely magical.

Deadlifts are good,no doubting that, but if done slightly wrong can be even more dangerous than squats and are nowhere near as effective on your cardiovascular system when compared side by side.

I’ve done 10 minute squat sessions that leave me dizzy,unable to walk,on the verge of throwing up and with barely enough strength to say my name and I fucking love it!!!!!!!


But I must re-iterate both exercise’s are highly effective and should make up the foundation of all your weight/strength training.

The last part made you sound like an masochist :D

"You shall call him E.Honda"

"Demokrati är inget annat än att ge majoriteten rätten att mobba minoriteten. Min kropp, mitt kapital och mitt liv ska vara mitt val!"

Originally Posted by C.phantasy
The last part made you sound like an masochist :D

Haha, I had to look up masochist by the way.

Start May-28-09 --- BPEL 5.875/EG 4.75/NBPEL 5.125/FL 3.00/FG 4.00 *Oct 24/09 --- BPEL 6.750/EG 4.875/NBPEL 5.875/FL 4.000/FG 4.250*

Short Term Goal --- BPEL 7.000/EG 5.000

Long Term Goal --- BPEL 7.500/EG 6.000

Originally Posted by Marc678816
Haha, I had to look up masochist by the way.

Haha so did I, although I totally knew it- had just forgotten :D .

I’m glad the squats v. deadlift argument started on page 1 has now been sorted out. If you’re not doing both, (though not necessarily in the same workout), you’re a pussy.

both are in the best exercise category but one isn’t better than the other unless you specify what is trying to be accomplished. Deadlifts are better for overall development and squats are the king of all leg exercises.

7-20-16: BP: 7.63 NBP 6.75 x 5.75

3-22-17: BP: 8.44 NBP 7.56 x 5.75

Well then I am fucked. I go heavy on squats every weak, and it’s one of my favorite work outs. But seriously, no. In my years competing in high school lifting and seeing guys in tights (strong no homo, no offense to those who are) people that squat heavy and squat often can stilll have a big dick.

August 2008: NBPEL 4"

Originally Posted by Marc678816
I know it’s tough to come into the gym and see these kids all scrambling for the dumbells for bicept curls or the bench for benchpress without even the slightest intention of even looking at the power rack for back/legs.

I’m on a balanced routine for each muscle groups. Being a typical ectomorph, I have very thin bones. This always made my arms look too thin even compared with my thin frame. Since I’m going to gym, I have gained as expected, but with my legs, chest and back also gaining, my arms still look thin. I’m very much tempted to make like those kids working only the arms until I get the proportions I’m after.
What is your opinion about my intention? (sorry for slipping from the original topic…)

Marc678816, did you ever think about how many of us have to turn our head way to the right to avoid seeing your avatar? If I end up with a torticolis it will be your fault! I even think I might be losing some PE gains looking accidentally to it. :)

Starting BPEL: 6.9" (Dec.1st, 2008)

Current BPEL: 8.11" NBPEL: 7.63" BPFSL: 9.09"

Current MEG : 5.6"

Originally Posted by cervixhunter
I’m on a balanced routine for each muscle groups. Being a typical ectomorph, I have very thin bones. This always made my arms look too thin even compared with my thin frame. Since I’m going to gym, I have gained as expected, but with my legs, chest and back also gaining, my arms still look thin. I’m very much tempted to make like those kids working only the arms until I get the proportions I’m after.
What is your opinion about my intention? (sorry for slipping from the original topic…)

Marc678816, did you ever think about how many of us have to turn our head way to the right to avoid seeing your avatar? If I end up with a torticolis it will be your fault! I even think I might be losing some PE gains looking accidentally to it. :)

Yeah go for it, work on your arms. Best to just work the biceps to failure at at weight where you can only lift 8-12 reps. Leave only a minutes rest between sets, as thiswill boost testosterone levels. Take a protein shake 30 minutes before your workouts, aswell as one after, mixing flaxseed oil into it(fats will facilitates the movement of testosterone into muscle cells).

Thanks for the advice! :)

Starting BPEL: 6.9" (Dec.1st, 2008)

Current BPEL: 8.11" NBPEL: 7.63" BPFSL: 9.09"

Current MEG : 5.6"

Originally Posted by cervixhunter

What is your opinion about my intention? (sorry for slipping from the original topic…)

If your intention is balancing out your muscles, which I think that is what your talking about, i’m not too sure, then yes I am all for it. I would definatly go do all the exercises that are needed to get your upper body more proportioned to the lower body. I’m only talking about those kids that never even think about doing legs/back or even legs/back as even a muscle that needs to be worked.

Start May-28-09 --- BPEL 5.875/EG 4.75/NBPEL 5.125/FL 3.00/FG 4.00 *Oct 24/09 --- BPEL 6.750/EG 4.875/NBPEL 5.875/FL 4.000/FG 4.250*

Short Term Goal --- BPEL 7.000/EG 5.000

Long Term Goal --- BPEL 7.500/EG 6.000


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