Thunder's Place

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Starter Problem with a Small Penis


Starter Problem with a Small Penis

Hello Guys,

Well have just started, and faced a problem , not sure if it’s unique (hope not).

First of all I am following the newbie routine, I.e. 5 minutes warmup, 2-3 minutes stretch, 10 minutes wet Jelq, 5 min warm down, and 50 kegels(of count till 5), so please correct me if I am wrong.

Well my BPEL is 4.5 Inches(pretty bad), so you can imagine that I am in a desperate situation, but anyways, I got 2 problems.
1. Since my Penis Size is small, so at the time of wet Jelqing I can’t use both my hands since my Penis is not able to cover them completly,in other words by the time my first hand reaches the head, there is just enough space for the second hand, so can I just use one hand.

2. When I am Jelqing the Foreskin of the penis moves with my hand, so my hand does not massage my penis, rather it skids through with the foreskin, so I am not sure that I am able to give enough effect, will it be fine, if I can hold the foreskin at the base of my penis with one hand and jelq the penis with the other, I think it gives a better massage.

Please throw some pearl of wisdom on this.


In regards to your problem with wet jelqing, what about if you straighten the middle, index and little fingers (so that they are out of the way) whilst you are jelqing.

The thumb and forefinger of each hand (in OK position) can then slide against the palm of other hand because the other fingers are out of the way.

Do you see what I mean?


Bpfl: 11.2 Cm / 4.4" X Fg: 9.5 Cm / 3.75"

Bpel: 17 Cm / 6.69" X Eg: 11.3 Cm / 4.44"


Welcome to the forums!

Listen as far as your penis size is concerned there have been guys in here your size that have effectuated several inches and gone to 7 inches bp, from 4.5, so do some searches and you’ll see that there is hope, and a lot of it.

I liked Roid’s answer about doing an ok grip instead of a whole hand grip this should give some more room, but YES one hand is fine

As far as question 2 I would advise to definitely hold the skin back while jelqing if it seems you are able to massage the actual penis more than move skin, remember jelqing and PE are part education and part common sense.

BPEL: 6.20" BPEG: 4.55" 9/1/2004

Currently 6.95" x 4.75" (5" at base)

I personally can’t use a whole hand grip because I have lots of loose skin around my sack that gets in the way of the base sometimes. This is because I have one testicle much smaller than other due to a hernia operation when I was a kid and it didnt grow to full size.

Reywdsuyt, is the OK grip just as effective as whole hand grip?


Bpfl: 11.2 Cm / 4.4" X Fg: 9.5 Cm / 3.75"

Bpel: 17 Cm / 6.69" X Eg: 11.3 Cm / 4.44"

A true jelqing grip is just with the forefinger and thumb as far as I know anything else is probably not necessary.

I also advise that your ok grip should be in a way that your fingers not in use should point down, so your, forefinger nuckle should be at 12 o’clock or at the top of your penis and your forefinger and thumb should touch at 6oclock underneath the penis, start at the very base, pushing into your balls, and pull out, while maintaining an erection between 40-80% 2-3 seconds per pull. Never ever jelq 100% erect unless very very lightly or you have been pe’ing for at least 3-6 months and no what is safe. Or you may damage your penis.

BPEL: 6.20" BPEG: 4.55" 9/1/2004

Currently 6.95" x 4.75" (5" at base)

Try dry jelqing using one hand. I mostly use this technique because i can feel more with my hand as it moves up. It’s easier to learn and seems to pump more blood forward. Besides with that length it does you no good to try to work the other hand in. I’m 7bpl and i mostly use one hand to jelq.

Dry jelqing in my opinion is the way to go. It’s easier no mess and you wont be jerking off all the time. Wet jelqing is to close to masturbating for me anyway.

Also work in squeezes with your jelq routine. After you get it pumped up with the jelqing. Squeeze at the base and the gland (head). This will engorge the shaft with blood.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

Hey Guys,

First of all, thanks a tonne, I never expected such an overwhelming response, you guys are Reilly good.

Well I think the thread answers most of my questions, deadeye3200 you said that I should try dry Jelqing, is it safe for newbies, It’s been just couple of days that I have started PE?


Try RB’s method (post #7) in this thread.

Originally Posted by reywdsuyt
A true jelqing grip is just with the forefinger and thumb as far as I know anything else is probably not necessary.

This is what I though also. I only use the full hand slide to massage the shaft & head in order control the 60-80% erection.

Also, try to use the reverse OK grip so your pinky is farthest from your body and your fingertips are at the bottom of your dick- you can really grip the base this way.
I use this technique and I also mix dry and wet jelqing.

Do not hold your foreskin back - the best way is to grip where your foreskin can slide from base to gland and let your forskin slide over your shaft, here your fingers stay on the skin in the same place while you jelq. I’d advise even using a tiny bit of lotion or lube as well, seems to work better then 100% dry..

Originally Posted by Mkop
Hello Guys,

Well have just started, and faced a problem , not sure if it’s unique (hope not).

I went through it, and many others have as well.

Well my BPEL is 4.5 Inches(pretty bad), so you can imagine that I am in a desperate situation, but anyways, I got 2 problems.
1. Since my Penis Size is small, so at the time of wet Jelqing I can’t use both my hands since my Penis is not able to cover them completly,in other words by the time my first hand reaches the head, there is just enough space for the second hand, so can I just use one hand.

Are you jelqing standing? You’ll notice that when standing you’re able to grab further down the shaft while jelqing. That should help if you’re starting length isn’t on the big side. Like others have said, all you need is your thumb, and your index finger to form an “ok” grip.

2. When I am Jelqing the Foreskin of the penis moves with my hand, so my hand does not massage my penis, rather it skids through with the foreskin, so I am not sure that I am able to give enough effect, will it be fine, if I can hold the foreskin at the base of my penis with one hand and jelq the penis with the other, I think it gives a better massage.

Whatever you feel more comfortable doing, but personally I would leave my foreskin forward while jelqing. You should have enough lube/oil so that your grip slides over the skin, but not too much in that it slides too easily.

"It doesn't matter where you start, it only matters where you end up."

Thanks a lot for the advice guys, you all are a gem.


I do this method as well and it is very good. It’s the same method West linked

1- Pretend like your holding an invisible sandwich with both hands, getting ready to take a bite. Notice how your fingers and thumbs are facing each other, one forming a C and the other a reverse C.

2- Keep this position, but rotate your hands so your thumbs are now on top.

3- Using just your thumbs and first two fingers (pointer and middle), grab your dick from both sides mid-shaft like it’s a mini sandwich, and squeeze.

4- Now, slide your skin under your fingers down your shaft as far as you can go. You may have to adjust your initial finger positioning to allow you to get fully to the base, or even do the lower part then the upper until your skin becomes more resiliant, a few days or so. (I can now dry jelq my entire erect 8” shaft in one move). Make sure that the intial spot on your skin where your fingers made contact stay under your fingers for the entire stroke.

5- When you’ve slid as far down as possible, squeeze your fingers together, then slowly slide them as far towards your head as possible. Repeat.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

I can’t do two hands either even though I am 6.5” - It’s because I’m uncut so all the skin comes forward and I get no good stretch.

So, I do an ok grip with my left hand and hold my ball sack and foreskin back with my right hand in a V between my fore and middle finger.

And yes, I have read here about guys going from 4.5 to 7.5” on here so go for it!

1st Jun 07: EL: 6.0 inches. BPEL: 6.5 inches

1st Aug 08: 7" with the V-pump!

7"would be heaven, 8"would be great, 9" would be damn fine!

Hi Deadeye, good explanation mate, will remember the sandwich part Pretty well. Thanks for the motivation Shy Guy

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