Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

starting size (what a let down)

starting size (what a let down)

Found this site, in the obvious ways… investigating my complex over penis size and wanting to do something about it.

Took my initial measurements and got 6.875 Erect Length and only 4.625 Erect Girth. These are NBP, accurate, and repeatable I think.

My current lover let slip that a former BF had a larger member, but didn’t specify length or girth. She contends that I feel great, but I’ve noticed that she gets decidedly more excited when my cock grows a bit just before climaxing (I can tell that she feels the difference BEFORE I make it obvious that I’m coming). I want to have more to give her. I’ve wondered mostly about girth because at a length of almost 7” I can hit her cervix with regularity. In looking at starting sizes in the size database, I’m feeling very skinny. Damn. That made my complex worse, and it was already bad :-) I thought I was thicker.

My LOT angle appears to be about 9:00 so I guess some length gains are feasible, but I am primarily interested in adding girth. A little more length would be nice too. Would jelqing and stretching be a good start? I’ve read the guidance on those techniques and it appears manageable. I’m going to start with 2 days on, two off, jelq in am, stretch in pm, but will read more first to tweak my plan.

Do yourself a favor and get bone pressed measurements too, even if you don’t list them here because you think its “cheating”. nbp is highly variable and erection quality varies, bone pressed stretched will give you a definite indication whether your program is doing anything - even if you don’t want to use that measurement for “bragging” rights. FWIW you have good length, I would guess you are about 7.375 bpel. Your girth is average if on the low side of the average range. I’d probably concentrate on jelqing if I were in your shoes.

Check it out guys, no need to have a big dick if you ain't gonna use it!!

I started with only 4” of girth, now at 5.5”. I gained quite a bit of girth fairly quickly by dry jelqing.

Twatteaser: the man, the myth, and the legend in his own mind.

Thanks, Luv for the confirming reply. I will definitely do the BP measurement. I see your point about variability of NBP.

AirAl, I noticed something strange in the database. The first entries (those with screen names starting with As and Bs) seem to have the larger starting sizes. I made note of this because many of those starting sizes were bigger than the 6 x 5 national average.

But as I scrolled down, I found that the later entries, towards the bottom of the page (S’s and T’s), tended to be smaller than the national avergae, at least in terms of girth.

I point this out so that you might feel a little better about your starting size. At 4.625” your girth is not very far off from the national average of 4.95”.

Many of the posters here have successfully added quite a bit of girth. YGuy started off very thin at 3.5” girth and is now significantly above average, 5.625”.

Read as much as you can, and use the search function to find threads on gaining girth. There’s a ton of useful threads on gaining girth waiting for you.

Good luck.

AirAl, welcome to board!

It’s an exciting time on the beginning of your PE career.

As you are just beginning, I would say that doing the basic technique of jelqs to start out would be good. As you become more proficient and used to the exercises, you will probably begin to experiment with the various exercises and techniques!

Maybe some manual stretches would be a good idea, if you think!

I am building a Canadian Maple for the lovely!

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