Starting the Noob routine today
Well after much research I am starting my noob routine today. I will be doing my regular exercise routine and then following with the routine. My starting measurements are:
FL: 3.5”
BPEL: 6.5”
FG: 4.25”
EG: 4.75”
My starting goals are:
BPEL: 6.75”
EG: 5”
I really want to work on girth but I know that for the best results I should start with the routine and then alter my routine as I grow experience. Do those goals sound reasonable for a short term goal. I don’t really know what I want to have as a long term goal quite yet. This is something that I’m starting while my girlfriend is out of town and she returns in three weeks. I know that dramatic effects will not yet be achieved but I am hoping for improve EQ and that it will be noticeable and then I’ll go from there with her reaction. What is a good variance to measure I know that measuring everyday would drive someone crazy not noticing any gains so what does most people here do weekly or monthly. I would think monthly because you get that “Hey look what I’ve done” effect more than you would in a week. Any guidance or starter tips is welcomed and I am looking forward to HEADing towards good gains.