Stem Cell Penis Enlargement
Hey guys The following is just a thought that came to mind which I decided to share with everyone here and see if anyone else had any opinions on it this matter.
I have been recently reading up a lot on stem cell research and it’s application in medical science. In a nutshell stem cells are unspecialized cells that can become any kind of tissue imaginable. So for example if a bunch of stem cells are placed in the damaged lung, after awhile stem cells repair the damage by becoming the cells that compose the lung, similarly if they are placed in the heart they will become cardio cells/vascular cells.
It has also been discovered that full grown humans have stem cells that are currently in their body, in some organs, those are called adult stem cells and differ a little bit from what I am describing right now, but non the less those adult stem cells repair the organs when they become damaged. It has also been suggested that stem cells could create new neural cells (brain tissue), it was a common belief for many years that brain & nerve cells can not be restored or repaired once they are damaged.
Currently there is such a thing as Cord Blood Banks, which are basically banks that preserve the blood from the umbilical cord when the baby is born. (It is fairly inexpensive, about $1500 collection costs, and around $120 a year per storage. Most banks offer a package around $3000 which covers collection and first 18 years of storage)
This cord blood contains unspecialized stem cells of your baby…… now the beauty of these stems cells is that they could be multiplied…In proper conditions they will divide and form new unspecialized stem cells that are identical to the original. And those stem cells will be compatible with the immediate family members. So for example, if you have stem cells of your son or daughter then you or your wife or even other children can use those stem cells in case some horrible (currently treatable with stem cells) disease strikes. It’s also important to mention that stem cell research is happening world wide and new diseases will be cured with it in the future.
Anyhow…. After reading all this information I started thinking, would it be possible to use stem cells to increase the size of the penis?? Since stem cells are unspecialized and can become any tissue, and if we already have some stem cells from one of our children, and we do PE, which causes micro tears thus “damages” or penis….could an injection of some stem cells after a workout over an extended period of time be a true form of PERMENANT penis enlargement?