Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Stem cells and how to get more of them for big dick?

Stem cells and how to get more of them for big dick?

Okay, it’s not about the big dick it’s for the overall health of me and every other person who is reading this!Stem cells are the only cells in the body that can become any type of cell… e.g. A brain cell, a muscle cell or a penis tissue cell!?How to make them or grow them? what’s the secret?Good food if yes what food shall I take?

Was 16 cm lenght now I'm 18 cm max erection and I want to be around 23 So my

GOAAL is 23 cm ! :D

PE give me motivation to start taking my health seriously! So happy right now :) My English is not really good so if you see something stupid that I say don't get mad at me 😄

You have much to learn about stem cells. Do a google search and read.

Originally Posted by Jimmybob55
You have much to learn about stem cells. Do a google search and read.

Was thinking the same thing as from what little I know about it, your only option is local injections of it, from a Doc.

Please correct me if I’m wrong though.

“There he goes. One of God's own prototypes. A high-powered mutant of some kind never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die.”-Hunter.S.Thompson-

As long as a big can of Gillette shaving cream(7,5" or 19 cm), with picture proof in the 'full body picture' section. Pictures is the ultimate proof in the pudding, IMO.

Protocol on stem cell therapy is very involved and contrary to what people think you just don’t go and “get them”. Besides there are many different types of stem cells. It’s just not as simple or effective as it sounds.


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