Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

straight penis...

straight penis...

guys my penis is a bit crocked to the side… about 20 degrees… what can i do to make it straight?? i hate that.. i looks fucked up.. anybody has the same problem?? i wanna have a nice straight dick..

The classic answer is jelq against the curve, I think this has helped me keep an upward curve in check. Hanging or ADS may help simply because the inside of the curve will tend to be stretched more than the outside of the curve.

20% is a fair angle, is this a bend you’ve had for a long time or something gained relatively recently?

By the way, please read the Forum Guidelines and alter your posting style. Its a simple courtesy we expect of people posting here.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

sorry… well i have my curve since as long as i can remember. i jelq with only one hand now and try to bend my penis against the curve with the other hand i hope this can help.. the curve starts from the middle of my penis which annoys me.. having a curved penis made me paranoid and took me lots of time to be ok showing my penis to girls.. :O)

I`m sorry for all the dots in my posts, I got so used to my style of writing that I forget myself. Thank you for help guys

>well i have my curve since as long as i can remember
OK thats good from the point of view of potential causes.

>i jelq with only one hand now and try to bend my penis against the curve with the other hand i hope this can help.. <
Think about the grip you use when you jelq if you can lead on the side which is the inner part of the curve by altering the rotation of the grip on the shaft, by twisting a little (anti)clockwise looking down, you will change the pressure levels across the shaft cross section as you jelq, this may help (if you can understand my explanation, which on reading I can’t).

Bear in mind that anything you do here is likely to take some amount of time, if you can successfully alter the curve at all. Most of us do PE and manage to enlarge the penis while not altering curves one bit.

Which way is it curved? I’m assuming left/right/down not up.

>I`m sorry for all the dots in my posts, I got so used to my style of writing that I forget myself. Thank you for help guys
We don’t expect perfection here just a good stab at decent English. Its just easier to read and when you want people to answer questions its sensible to write in a way that encourages response :)

Thanks for reading the Guidelines, I hope you find this place useful.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

It is curved to the left. Even if I can change the curve to 10 degrees it will be amazing.

I started PE’ing 2 weeks ago, I don`t see any gains yet but it do see that my member is harder. Which is also a good thing. I hope I will see some gains in few months.

I don`t want unrealistic gains .5 to 1 inch in girth and 1 inch in length. I would be happy if that could happen. I am doing the newbie routine and it feels pretty good. Thanks for help. :o )

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