Streches without warmup/PEing at work?
Hi. I’m a newb to TP. Been PEing on and off (mostly off) for the past two years. I do mostly jelqing, but also some manual stretches. I’ve always heard that it is bad to do PE without a hotwrap. The thing is I have an office job and can often slip into the the bathroom without anyone noticing how long I’m in there. I can also be in there for a long time with no one noticing. When I’m on a PE kick, I like to do some manual streches when ever I go to take a piss. I don’t think it helps much. I do maybe 30-60 seconds in two to four directions. The thing is I don’t hot wrap first and I wonder if I risk hurting myself. Also, I’m wondering if there are any exercise that can be done during the day. I used to do kegels at my desk, but now I save those for when I’m laying in the bed at night. Does anyone PE at work? Is there anything that you can do during the day? It’s just time that I have on my hands that could be used to growing my dick (I hope)